[07:22:31] Welcome wm-bot184. If you need to report spam or abuse, please feel free to notify any of the voiced (+v) users, if it contains personal information you can pm them, or email us at cvt [at] miraheze.org [07:53:08] CosmicAlphaCVT restart [07:53:26] .op [07:53:26] Attempting to OP... [07:53:32] CosmicAlphaCVT restart [07:53:36] .deop [07:53:36] Attempting to OP... [20:33:08] CosmicAlpha: how do you remove someone from the feed blacklist by the way? [20:42:15] Reception123: `CosmicAlphaCVT bl del `, but it would just readd if blocked on another wiki, so you can also whitelist with `CosmicAlphaCVT wl add r=` [20:42:40] https://github.com/Universal-Omega/CVTBot/wiki/Documentation [20:42:41] [url] Documentation · Universal-Omega/CVTBot Wiki · GitHub | github.com [20:42:59] thanks! I just saw that a user whose CA I actually checked a few days ago (and wasn't blocked) was on the blacklist [20:43:39] Reception123: which user? [20:43:50] Money12123 [20:44:57] Reception123: If previously blocked, the blacklist expires ` * 1.5` (I think that is the right number anyway) so it is still blacklisted a little while after. That could have been the case here [20:45:37] ah [20:46:04] CosmicAlphaCVT bl show Money12123 [20:46:04] Money12123 is an unlisted registered user [20:46:31] Reception123: doesn't seem to pick it up? [20:48:41] Oh it's deleted already.