[02:00:34] Oh hey yeah I had config wrong... my bad... [04:58:30] MirahezeCVTBot restart [04:59:57] MirahezeCVTBot restart [10:23:37] That seems odd... mass page blanking? I haven't checked anything more, but more obvious stuff like page blanks go to this channel, and that seems to be something... [12:23:23] that's my wiki and i haven't been blanking anything [12:23:57] [1/2] in fact it's quite the opposite [12:23:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1203314935128522752/image.png?ex=65d0a55d&is=65be305d&hm=f2d40773a90863a22d63797fcc5ad4ed3b8c1555718d32fd78e511eb71d84184& [12:29:19] yep apparently the bot detects any of my edits as blanking despite it adding content [12:51:07] i [12:51:42] it's even registering added bytes as blanking [17:12:41] hmmm... Maybe that bot had a malfunction... [17:20:48] just groggy. had a long nap [17:22:50] Lol yeah... it also had a massive change yesterday that increased the size of files from the built bot from under 1500 to over 3500 to remove mono dependency, and support IPv6-only by bumping libraries so maybe it broke some of it a bit... [21:04:37] Sockpuppet of previously banned user on Ultrakill Wiki: https://ultrakill.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/RandyJohnSmitty7712 [21:05:46] This one too: https://ultrakill.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/UNBLOCKME