[00:35:23] Well well, so our old friend returned after all. Haven't heard anything from that fool for over a year now. [00:35:48] hm? [00:36:13] -abigblueworld- is an LTA famous for attacking many wikis, most notably Qualitipedia [00:37:22] Looks more like a joke username to me than a username policy violation. [00:39:49] ahh [00:39:54] good to know for future reference [13:57:27] Spam: https://plazmaburst.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Slotmodalreceh [16:27:13] [1/5] clear-cut seo spam wiki [16:27:13] [2/5] https://aitoolsdirectory.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [16:27:14] [3/5] https://aitoolsdirectory.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RecentChanges?hidebots=1&limit=500&days=180&enhanced=1&urlversion=2 [16:27:14] [4/5] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/38451 [16:27:14] [5/5] I don't think I've seen a case quite like this one, it's interesting [18:31:18] was told to ping @Discord Moderators for addition to GR and CVT roles here [18:32:09] thanks Tali [18:33:54] That's a server level setting, administrators have to decide how to sequence roles [18:34:00] Discord is just fun like that [18:34:05] Oh 😦 [18:34:35] Whenever an admin has a chance then, red is just more good-looking than gray haha [18:43:25] I didn't assign your roles; I was about to, though, but it appears that another moderator beat me to it [18:43:37] oop lol [18:43:39] who did? [18:44:58] I’m not really sure why CVT has a color at all since you can’t have it without something else [18:45:11] I’d probably make it transparent and hoisted [18:46:56] So the name color is of rollback but in the member list your titled as CVT [18:49:06] Eh I wouldn't even mind having CVT just be a filler role [18:49:39] Not classified under CVT (use GR, GS, S), but just so you get the broom emoji and pinged whenever CVT is pinged [18:49:57] Exactly [18:50:17] @.labster if you're online, could ya move? [18:50:28] just CVT to below GR, I believe [18:50:31] but above WC [18:51:10] though maybe having everyone classified on the people bar as CVT isn't a terrible idea [18:51:15] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1209935384679809105/image0.jpg?ex=65e8bb23&is=65d64623&hm=a97e2ef4b8c94d2f6f1cf2692e355838c542b881c4ae7ed254871ca7eb160d27& [18:51:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1209935385031868416/image1.jpg?ex=65e8bb23&is=65d64623&hm=0cd93ebd311f5f10cbd43c9345ba9036e3adfae6383bb1ef8109940d07e4241e& [18:51:29] And yes my test server is named malebolge [18:51:32] Different colors to denote who's what role, but all under CVT? [18:51:43] like on the People tab [18:51:50] The server icon is also the IRS logo [18:51:55] My idea [18:52:04] hm [18:52:11] whatever works best but please remove the gray [18:54:03] (also maybe create a Tech role to ping all SRE, like CVT?) [18:54:18] Cough . [18:54:32] since SRE and MWE are two different roles and there isn't a joint way to ping both [18:54:38] (I didn’t ping dont worry) [18:54:54] you did ping.... [18:55:11] at least I'm pretty sure? [18:55:50] When I say ping I mean the red number [18:56:02] yeah [18:56:14] Discord only sends those if the ping is in the message when it’s sent [18:56:17] I sent the message [18:56:23] Then added the ping [18:56:50] Ie you didn’t get pinged for https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1006789349498699827/1209936693356920852 did you? [18:56:59] It’s highlighted [18:57:06] But no angy red [18:57:36] I don’t think so [18:58:01] My original message was just a period [18:58:05] I edited the mention in [19:29:16] global rollbacker is now indistinguishable from admin [19:29:17] nice [19:30:04] reminds me, could have sworn there was a former stewards role at some point [19:35:41] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/786615849921675294/1094539162406887535 [19:36:17] We need to have a role color rework one of these days [19:36:21] Maybe update icons as well [19:36:28] I made icons for a lot of roles [19:39:20] there was [19:40:52] I’m shocked they had a default role color left to give to GR ngl [19:42:45] Found it https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/615786602454581249/1194800518506225694 [19:43:05] I love the moderator one lol [19:52:47] fair enough [19:52:58] and yeah, colors can use a rework [19:53:28] alternatively given there are so many colors, perhaps the color should no longer matter; many communities get on just fine having variable colors and letting roles/icons/profile do the talking [20:36:16] <.labster, replying to bwm0> What am I supposed to do now? [20:37:26] I think someone moved already - looks fixed though you could add ↩️ to the global rollbacker role [20:37:35] though it's an ugly emoji so maybe not [20:38:20] <.labster> 🔁 ? [20:38:35] <.labster> 🔙 [20:39:03] <.labster> wow `:back:` is terrible in dark mode [20:41:01] yeppp [20:41:09] gotta find a good rollbacker emoji [20:41:22] anyone have suggestions? [20:42:06] 🔍 ? [20:55:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1194800517273092127/6H5By9K.png?ex=65dfd031&is=65cd5b31&hm=4ae29880bb548a3874156f4d3963c3b2a9cadeb53b4c7022e013fb6f1fba7133& [20:55:49] There this [20:56:16] oh yeah @Discord Administrators what if we switched all the icons next to roles for these [20:56:22] Could also recolor what I made for CVT/discord mod https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1194800517646389279/AdBIK76.png?ex=65dfd031&is=65cd5b31&hm=f81e030bbd5af4e71c1a331f2d8cc0779cfab7639ce933d9ae96ca5033e59930& [20:56:24] I think there's just about one for all of 'em [20:57:01] I take commissions and my price is free hehehe [20:57:51] MVTSV needs to be updated and could probably make better icons for cvt [20:57:56] Matching role colo [20:58:45] Dark Brandon vibes [20:59:27] Funny enough I made this for discord mod and made a purple with the same eyes for CVT [20:59:36] Then mods color was changed [20:59:41] To purple :Kek: [20:59:45] Recycling [21:00:16] I could make a clock one for GR probably [21:02:53] Is there a category on MH commons for them [21:03:27] I know there's a GS, Steward, SRE, Board, T&S (maybe), Meta sysop, crat, patroller, autopatrolled, trans-admin (move to translator), rollbacker (collapse to patroller), and WC [21:04:03] I haven't uploaded them [21:04:17] board I think Labster had something [21:05:01] steward we have :MirahezeStewards: [21:05:09] for now [21:05:16] yeah [21:05:20] loginwiki should have them actually [21:05:26] in the userboxes [21:05:39] Template:User on login wiki [21:05:55] oooooooo [21:06:08] Feel free to upload them with credit to me and make them [21:06:28] They already exist [21:06:32] is what I mean [21:06:34] or a lot of them do [21:06:40] o yea [21:10:53] im making these to reflect discord roles for discord [21:11:02] thanks [21:11:11] and then cc @.labster I assume to add them to the roles when they're done [21:11:32] (though can you make sure they're transparent) [21:11:37] idk if they will I made these a while ago [21:11:39] like no white background [21:11:43] they are [21:11:46] idfk why cvt isnt [21:11:56] hmm [21:12:36] [1/2] i cooked(also move to #offtopic ) [21:12:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1209970954260713482/jfuxa7Z.png?ex=65e8dc43&is=65d66743&hm=541c1a54e81f0b019dcca0616026e932e93734c6806bd11f3567b9ff1106c673&