[01:17:54] [1/2] @notaracham @raidarr @brandon.wm hey I hope this isn't annoying but could one of you try to stop the off-topic argument that has started here again? Acnh Player hasn't really gotten the point it seems [01:17:55] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:MobileDiff/397469 [01:18:16] oh, brilliant [01:18:21] will do, thanks for letting us know [01:18:45] Np [01:19:55] [1/2] Also that account Acnh Player cited for "proof" is very likely impersonation and is definitely not blocked [01:19:55] [2/2] https://community.fandom.com/wiki/Special:History/User:MrApocalypse_l [01:20:20] Brandon, let stewards deal with this please [01:20:44] was already going to refer it to you 🙂 [01:21:16] Sorry for pinging him, I assumed Meta admins could help, sorry about that [01:27:57] No worries, and sorry to Brandon for stepping in, normally would have been perfectly appropriate [01:28:59] In this case, two stewards have issued warnings to the user, so would prefer this team handle enforcement [01:29:59] Ah ok [01:30:01] No apologies needed 👍 [01:35:16] https://kugelnio2.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Article_ready_for_deletion_2?action=history could this page be deleted? [01:35:35] Every edit has been disruptive and that wiki has no (competent) local administration [01:41:48] [1/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:MobileDiff/397478 [01:41:49] [2/2] Not sure if this is a problem but it feels like it [05:07:41] @notaracham for your information, you have been blocked on Nonciclopedia for 42 days, with the reason "legal threats - go fuck yourself". Wedhro is the one who blocked you. I think this is unacceptable, you should remove his admin and bureaucrat rights [05:07:41] @ejacu23_42059 Watch your language. [05:07:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1240168747344597044/Screenshot_20240515_070427.jpg?ex=664594a6&is=66444326&hm=e4236d9f2d111ff4ccc71c75d9b2e9364a8a570ce842c0355747ba31875fde59& [05:08:56] From a CVT standpoint, I could be wrong (only a GR), but I believe we've generally let things like this slide [05:09:41] We don't really helicopter over local wikis, now, Nonciclopedia may be an exception, but I think general policy has been to just ignore it. [05:09:53] But I'll let a GS/Steward confirm or refute. [05:11:10] okay. I reported this as it seems to be a provocation, after Aracham deleted some illegal content on that wiki about s with children. [05:14:57] not illegal [05:15:00] but yes, a violation [05:16:39] i mean not allowed on wikis, there was alao a graphic image [05:16:46] ah ok [05:42:49] [1/2] @notaracham I feel like it might make sense to change this so that it's a partial block that only restricts the wiki reports page but if you think not that's okay [05:42:50] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Acnh_Player [05:57:45] The user has exhibited CIR behavior generally, for example by requesting Steward so I feel like a wider block is justified [06:00:36] fair [06:01:57] also unhelpful edit to translation page by them worth noting (I reverted it): https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Translations:Donate/4/it?diff=prev&oldid=397380 [07:13:03] This has no practical impact on me given steward permissions, and no impact on their timeline (until June 1) [07:47:28] okay 👍 [11:24:47] I had caught that one earlier and made a remark to the bureaucrat that it wasn't helping their case, did not intend further action since indeed, blocking a steward is like shooting an elephant with a paperclip