[00:27:24] This is much more normal then the last chat summary attached to my nMd [00:30:58] “Chatting about Anime Bath Scenes Wiki” [00:31:19] you’re never living that one down as long as I live 🙂 [00:34:44] listen [00:34:51] There was context [00:34:56] I did not bring it up [00:35:56] It was a valid conversation(that i in hindsight do regret letting so on far as i did, especially if I accidentally made anyone uncomfortable, that was a misjudgment on my part) [00:37:53] We all make mistakes, like me 6 hours ago [00:38:30] why'd you lose mod [00:38:38] I think the conversation is fine [00:39:16] I left the server and then rejoined; I declined an offer by Brandon to regain mod rights at this moment [00:39:24] Alr [02:43:03] Not sure if this counts as a UP violation or not: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/GASCHAMBERS [03:20:58] I feel like it does [03:21:53] yeah that would be imo [04:04:11] referral to @Stewards here [04:04:18] and, uh, that should be blacklisted [04:04:30] but sadly there's too much inappropriate stuff to fully blacklist [04:04:46] Yeah, def not well intentioned [05:19:15] [1/2] ? [05:19:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1241621169577132144/image.png?ex=664add53&is=66498bd3&hm=202e8cca26de52cda6411e93f8f49d0c8823c6e924622052d106ec8acbb6173a& [05:19:20] what does this even mean [05:21:55] t’was raised internally [05:22:05] no one knows tbh we’ll see what happens from it [05:22:22] i’m inclined to just :BanHammerMH: given prior disruption [06:23:39] I'm assuming this is a non native speaker with a poor understanding of first person pronouns [06:26:07] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:MobileDiff/398249 [06:26:24] I feel like they're just putting "I" in everything [07:11:46] [1/2] I was surprised also, First he adds, then deletes, about the templates on the talk page. [07:11:46] [2/2] Then he adds, deletes, then adds again these wiki deletions. Caught me off guard, thinking it was the templates 😄 [11:26:36] I will be deleting those [12:32:46] He is actively on WNR/NROS wiki btw [16:50:26] [1/2] Some languages like Japanese and others that are far disconnected from English only include pronouns when the subject is vague, in Japanese you could say what would literally translate to English as something like "name is Collei" or in informal situations "is Collei", I assume there are other languages like this. So to someone learning English the concept of [16:50:27] [2/2] specifying the subject of every sentence could be strange and hence the illogical wording [16:51:50] Fair enough [16:51:55] English moment [16:52:04] Yea [16:52:38] English is a very complex language, when I see someone who is new to the language try to say something I realize how complex everyday sentences are [16:52:52] English, is not a language [16:52:57] It is three languages [16:53:01] In a trenchcoat [16:53:09] Pretending to be one [16:53:11] Lol yeah I've heard that before, it's true [16:57:29] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Null-subject_language looked it up [16:58:28] Oh it appears this even exists in some languages related to English [17:00:29] Try learning Italian or German 😂 [17:06:22] I probably will in the future [17:40:30] [1/10] Ideally I want to learn these languages: [17:40:30] [2/10] Japanese [17:40:31] [3/10] Mandarin [17:40:31] [4/10] Cantonese [17:40:31] [5/10] Spanish [17:40:32] [6/10] French [17:40:32] [7/10] German [17:40:32] [8/10] Hindi [17:40:32] [9/10] Russian [17:40:33] [10/10] Maybe others eventually [17:40:59] I know a little bit of Japanese and Spanish currently [17:41:27] im already struggling with spanish [17:41:34] german is just confusing as shit [17:52:12] Hmm. Let us continue this in #offtopic [17:55:16] Wow [17:59:04] @Meta Administrators https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Requests_for_Comment/Test - test page created by user who has been warned multiple times [18:00:19] R u srs rn [18:00:52] This is just mocking rn [18:04:51] Was about to report that [18:04:57] Wtf is that guy doing [18:06:10] I mean just the username indicates they're not serious [18:07:15] Will be giving a short block for failing to listen to the two warnings they already got [18:07:29] and they've given no indication of even acknowledging them [18:07:41] I don't think the username indicates not being serious [18:09:26] Give me an example of a serious contributor that has their username in full caps and has more than 3 different words in it [18:09:38] I personally haven't come accross one [18:13:00] Well there were a lot of those on the reception wikis that weren't vandals [18:13:12] Idk if Meta has any because I haven't been around very long [20:14:33] [1/2] In my many years on Wikipedia, I never saw a user with a full username in caps making any serious contribution. And I don't think you can't find any. [20:14:33] [2/2] Often these users scream for attention. [20:20:31] considering the average teir on reception wikis I do not find that much of a defense tbh [20:20:41] I've seen similar on the ball wiki space too, with similarly dismal results [20:29:46] fair