[08:50:37] Sorry, I was removing an edit that broke the link to Wikipedia. I could have been more polite in asking to check if the edit is necessary. I am not in the best of moods due to death in the family, So I will refrain from editing these days. Again sorry, you're right! [11:49:04] @rodejong My condolences to your family 🫂 [12:52:04] [1/2] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12215 [12:52:04] [2/2] Phorge spam [13:35:29] Oh no, sorry to hear that man 🫂 best of luck to you and your family, and take all the time you need [17:01:14] Really sorry to hear about that, and yeah understandable the revert itself is fine [17:19:47] One more venue of spamdalism crushed, hurrah. [17:47:08] Down with the heathen vandals, glory be the Holy Mira Empire all shall yield [17:47:50] more like cirspamdalism 😄