[07:37:40] [1/3] @Stewards [07:37:40] [2/3] [[Special:CA/にくぬきカレー]] [07:37:40] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CA/%e3%81%ab%e3%81%8f%e3%81%ac%e3%81%8d%e3%82%ab%e3%83%ac%e3%83%bc [07:37:41] [3/3] Can you please force create a local account to meta for him? He is running into a strange bug related to global blocking and his account is not automatically created in meta when he creates his account and he is unable to log in to meta [07:37:41] [12:24:40] That account hasn't been active for months. [12:25:18] @suzuneu can you explain the error? [12:26:21] it took me less than 30 seconds to find that not true [12:27:37] He said, "The IP itself is blocked on all the wikis, but I can create an account and log in to everything but meta." I have not been able to get any more details from him. I think it is probably a bug that occurs when he create an account on a GIPB'd IP address from a wiki that has that IP on its local whitelist. [12:28:03] @reception123 can you run the createLocalAccount script [12:28:32] He gave me his IP address, so I've already confirmed that his IP is not hard-blocked (globally and meta) [12:28:56] hmm, probably more of a question for Tech team. We can certainly force local account creation. [12:29:17] everyone should have accounts on login & meta [12:29:18] Apparently, the username translates to "Tiananmen Square in 1989 (Stupid Xi Jinping)". I had to use Google Translate. [12:29:29] and? [12:29:41] sure [12:30:00] I'm just trying to make sense of how that's a violation of the username policy according to the report. [12:30:25] who said it was a username policy violation? [12:30:27] hm that's not fun [12:30:28] `Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError from line 1203 of /srv/mediawiki/1.42/includes/libs/rdbms/database/Database.php: Error 1054: Unknown column 'gb_target_central_id' in 'field list'` [12:30:48] [[Special:Contributions/Policied]] This user did. [12:30:48] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Policied [12:30:49] [12:31:04] where [12:31:14] (btw this user is definitely sock of Gongxiang01 i pretty sure) [12:31:33] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:MobileDiff/402669 [12:31:43] looks like it [12:32:54] [[Special:Diff/402668]] Here you go. [12:32:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Diff/402668 [12:32:54] [12:33:25] https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Awikimedia%2Fmediawiki-extensions-CentralAuth%20gb_target_central_id&type=code [12:33:29] oh [12:33:31] i see [12:35:57] @reception123 full exception? [12:36:58] also whats our schema for `globalblocks` [12:53:17] [[Special:Diff/402684]] You're right. Something is quite odd about this user, as this account literally said that they just added a disclaimer, which is something a new user normally would never do unless they're the same person operating under a new account to avoid detection or something like that. [12:53:17] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Diff/402684 [12:53:18] [14:32:48] Locked and IP blocked. [20:28:16] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:Discussion [23:49:21] @Meta Administrators - https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:%E5%BC%95%E9%80%80%E3%81%97%E3%81%BE%E3%81%99 requires deleting as it was created by an LTA