[00:03:39] [1/5] Chinese spam [00:03:39] [2/5] [[User:岑寶四兒 林欣三彤 邵逸九夫 羅文十惠‎]] [00:03:39] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:%e5%b2%91%e5%af%b6%e5%9b%9b%e5%85%92_%e6%9e%97%e6%ac%a3%e4%b8%89%e5%bd%a4_%e9%82%b5%e9%80%b8%e4%b9%9d%e5%a4%ab_%e7%be%85%e6%96%87%e5%8d%81%e6%83%a0%e2%80%8e [00:03:40] [3/5] [[User:岑寶兒四 林欣彤三 邵逸夫九 羅文惠十‎]] [00:03:40] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:%e5%b2%91%e5%af%b6%e5%85%92%e5%9b%9b_%e6%9e%97%e6%ac%a3%e5%bd%a4%e4%b8%89_%e9%82%b5%e9%80%b8%e5%a4%ab%e4%b9%9d_%e7%be%85%e6%96%87%e6%83%a0%e5%8d%81%e2%80%8e [00:03:40] [4/5] [[User:岑四寶兒 林三欣彤 邵九逸夫 羅十文惠]] [00:03:40] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:%e5%b2%91%e5%9b%9b%e5%af%b6%e5%85%92_%e6%9e%97%e4%b8%89%e6%ac%a3%e5%bd%a4_%e9%82%b5%e4%b9%9d%e9%80%b8%e5%a4%ab_%e7%be%85%e5%8d%81%e6%96%87%e6%83%a0 [00:03:40] [5/5] [[User:四岑寶兒 三林欣彤 九邵逸夫 十羅文惠‎]] [00:03:40] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:%e5%9b%9b%e5%b2%91%e5%af%b6%e5%85%92_%e4%b8%89%e6%9e%97%e6%ac%a3%e5%bd%a4_%e4%b9%9d%e9%82%b5%e9%80%b8%e5%a4%ab_%e5%8d%81%e7%be%85%e6%96%87%e6%83%a0%e2%80%8e [00:03:41] [1/4] [00:03:41] [2/4] [00:03:41] [3/4] [00:03:42] [4/4] [00:04:21] I translated the names and are all of them are nonsense like ||Shum Bo Sze, Lam Yan San Tong, Shiu Yat Kau Fu, Law Man Shih Wai.|| [00:05:34] @CVT [00:07:15] or is my translator doing a shitty job of translating it [00:07:23] I don't see any grounds for action besides the fact that there are multiple accounts (which is shaky at best in this case) [00:08:10] if they start doing something bad, action [00:12:04] can confirm its basically gibberish, this one -> 四岑寶兒 三林欣彤 九邵逸夫 十羅文惠 is "four (some actress) three (some singer) nine (some actor) ten (some politician)" and then the others are the same characters jumbled up [00:13:55] Yeah but writing random words in your username isn't against the rules [00:14:38] Yeah, nothing actionable yet, though worth keeping a watch on abuse filter logs for these buddies. [00:16:30] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1253866167324508290/7b9.png?ex=6677695d&is=667617dd&hm=df4b56be8fbd603d8e5573672d898ece235bbecf4d9e035bdf40628454f0d5dd& [00:17:27] Why was the image deleted? [00:17:34] It just said "good" [00:17:40] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1253866460644642936/7b9.png?ex=667769a3&is=66761823&hm=de6c5cf570eb022f4df683cf15d18dbdde5cc2636a18f5409d7b064f0835d40b& [00:18:21] I sended without ping [00:18:24] now [00:19:09] Oh ok [00:21:16] [1/2] extreme chinese spam [00:21:16] [2/2] https://inciclopedia.org/w/index.php?title=Especial:Registro/block&type=block&user=&offset=20221220211836 [00:23:42] Mmmh, the link you sent is Korean usernames, not Chinese... [00:24:19] theres some chinese ones [00:25:01] I say chinese because, well, are characters that are similar to chinese [01:08:15] <.labster, replying to emicraftnoob> I see you used Greek-looking letters in your message [01:08:38] huh? [02:00:18] They are all Korean [02:00:31] Hangul [02:00:44] check bottom [02:00:52] Ok I'll check. [02:01:08] Oh yeah there's Chinese at the bottom [02:44:20] @CVT https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Simrhe18 - extremely NSFW and most likely a Content Policy violation (the male protagonist is implied to be underage) [02:44:41] what the fuck [02:44:47] excuse my language [02:47:27] when did we start getting sex bots on meta [02:49:46] blocked on meta [02:50:04] It's possible that the story was written by a human; still, I definitely agree that shit like that should be kept off Meta and frankly Miraheze in general [02:50:13] it’s gone [02:50:26] summoning a GS or steward to lock the account [02:50:50] @tali64 i’m currently sitting on a plane but could you be as kind as to check global contrived [02:51:13] and rollback as needed [02:51:19] Checked; user hasn't visited any other wikis [02:55:42] Cloudflare cache isn't cleared yet again so I can still see it when logged out, how lovely [02:56:06] That story is awful btw [02:56:23] Pretty sure it's a troll because the whole thing just reads like a copypasta [03:02:30] That's Japanese at the bottom, Korean everywhere else. [03:04:15] Yeah but don't kanji usually also exist in Chinese? I know some are originally from Japan but are you sure all those accounts only have original JP kanji? [03:04:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/45892 - I'm pretty sure Simrhe18 is not a bot judging by the fact that they just submitted this wiki request; probably still needs to be locked [03:04:39] Locked [03:05:51] Kanji is a mix of (mostly) simplified + some directly adopted chars, but def has origins in written chinese [03:06:30] I remember reading on Tofugu that some were originally invented in Japan and aren't used in any of the Chinese languages [03:08:20] Yep, not all are borrows, some were locally invented. Not sure on reverse migrations though. [03:37:41] [1/2] @Stewards [03:37:41] [2/2] Hi, [[Steward_requests/CheckUser#梗百科小管家@gengbaikewiki]] has been on hold for four days, I would like to get it resolved as soon as possible, thank you very much [03:37:41] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/CheckUser#%e6%a2%97%e7%99%be%e7%a7%91%e5%b0%8f%e7%ae%a1%e5%ae%b6%40gengbaikewiki [03:37:42] [04:03:59] Also, in fairness, while I had japanese language instruction in middle/high school and college, I am definitely easily a decade out of practice. [04:06:38] Finally free, will take a look now. Have they actually been up to nefarious deeds, or are they just suspicious? [04:34:03] seems Japanese Kanji, "味見奈良県知事" is correct (regardless of meaning) as a Japanese writing style [04:36:54] And has the Meta namespace been changed again to Miraheze Meta? Seems like a lot of links are broken. [04:51:38] Well, this reply may be a little late😂 Because they overlap in registration time and did something similar on wiki. [04:52:16] No worries, all + a bonus acct that was hiding were unearthed, locked and blocked [07:04:13] Please delete that user page my god... [07:04:50] It has already been deleted by an administrator; if it still shows up for you, it's most likely Cloudflare caching [07:11:50] it seems to still appear on mobile for some reason [07:11:58] at least it did for me but refreshing showed it was deleted [07:14:29] [1/2] I was in mobile... for obvious reasons [07:14:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1253971353594363924/Screenshot_20240622_011409_Clock.jpg?ex=6677cb54&is=667679d4&hm=836a90474abc5673f50604ef73af350c834ed9b70ce5c4e505ed2e7d7b40b258& [22:20:42] what was the text [22:20:43] btw [22:21:24] It was a story about a mother rabbit's..."love" for her son [22:21:43] i do not like those quoted [22:22:02] The less said about it, the better [22:23:19] V-V amen [22:27:41] an actual rabbit or thats just a metaphor [22:28:13] We can say that is still love even with the quotes [22:28:55] holy shit... animal + underage + family 😰 [22:29:54] Pdf file sack of spammer [22:30:11] okay! Let’s leave this shall we! [22:30:41] Yeah. Is a topic from yesterday [22:33:06] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1254202532872458331/20240618_190302.jpg?ex=6678a2a1&is=66775121&hm=0acd3932907dd46bbdb07a240ccb9436efadddffbd39a99c4b21ca8032d46690& [22:33:30] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1254202635989422192/20240616_203330.jpg?ex=6678a2ba&is=6677513a&hm=7180cc5765f5b70a399fb5bba0b79a8a36dce00ae8638f42100c3487850392d1& [22:38:45] Could have another rule to UP for long usernames, like in WP, can be _kinda_ annoying having in your recent changes a username like "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" or something even longer! [23:50:29] Please don't spam this channel with non related images. Use #offtopic in stead.