[02:53:03] I'll help the first 10 people interested on how to start earning $100k within 72hours, but you will reimburse me 10% of your profits when you receive it. Note: only interested people should send a friend request or  send me a dm!  ask me HOW ! [08:10:09] [1/2] @Stewards [08:10:09] [2/2] [[User:Googol01]] Gongxiang01 [08:10:09] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Googol01 [08:10:10] [08:10:56] 🤔 [08:11:12] I will CU [08:16:01] no technical evidence to show that they are same person [08:16:36] It's a fine line that may fall under WP:DUCKTEST [08:17:10] could he have used VPN? [08:18:10] as far as I know, many open agents in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan have not been effectively blocked in Miraheze [08:20:02] what is "open agents"? [08:20:16] like "open proxy" [08:20:23] oh I see [08:26:45] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User_talk:Honglan233?markasread=387874&markasreadwiki=metawiki#c-Honglan233-20240703082400-2024/7/3 [08:27:21] he is sending some funny warnings now [08:29:18] [1/3] @kiju1108 [08:29:18] [2/3] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/CheckUser#Googol01@metawiki [08:29:19] [3/3] Please send the CU result here. Thank you [08:31:12] I listed all the accounts suspected of being Gongxiang01 puppets in my request, which I believe will be very helpful to CU [08:41:09] [1/3] @Global Patrollers [08:41:09] [2/3] Abuse warning function ([Special:Diff/406258[]] and [[Special:Diff/406259]]) [08:41:09] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Diff/406259 [08:41:09] [3/3] need to rollback [08:41:10] [08:41:30] [[Special:Diff/406258]] [08:41:30] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Diff/406258 [08:41:31] [08:54:27] [1/2] @kiju1108 [08:54:28] [2/2] [[User:Googo02]] [08:54:28] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Googo02 [08:54:29] [08:54:59] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Googol02/ [09:08:28] The account has now been blocked. [09:14:29] And all the page creations by the blocked account have been removed. [09:15:47] great👍 [11:11:26] Also, I just realized that I now have the ability to block people on any wiki, as I have the Global Patroller flag on me lol [13:11:09] use with care [15:38:32] [1/3] @darkfawfulguy64 [15:38:32] [2/3] https://zhdel.miraheze.org/wiki/Ericliu1912%E7%9A%84%E7%9C%9F%E5%AE%9E%E5%A7%93%E5%90%8D%E5%8F%AB%E5%88%98%E7%88%B1%E4%B8%BD [15:38:33] [3/3] PII [15:40:32] If it really has sensitive information, then it needs to be reported to Trust & Safety using their TSPortal. [15:42:34] That needs OS [15:42:47] It can be revision deleted in the mean time [15:43:10] @darkfawfulguy64 just revdel the log [15:43:13] And delete the page [15:44:33] Will do. [15:45:53] OK, I just reported to the TS [15:46:23] yeah steward will handle [15:52:18] [1/2] @kiju1108 [15:52:18] [2/2] Can you OS these logs? [15:53:26] I will do so immediately [15:54:58] these PII contents seems to come from [[User:Tiger-bot]] [15:54:58] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Tiger-bot [15:54:59] [15:55:48] this bot seems to simply import Wikipedia deletions into Miraheze [15:58:25] may it be necessary to Global Lock for this BOT, or contact the BOT author to request participation in the relevant PII review? [16:01:21] yeah, it appears that content deleted from Wikipedia is being indiscriminately replicated, while it is not a complete fork, it requires consideration in terms of CP and resources [16:03:19] Content that has been deleted from Wikipedia often has issues, so I don't think this is appropriate [16:17:39] [1/3] @CVT [16:17:39] [2/3] https://zhdel.miraheze.org/wiki/168_%E4%BD%93_%E8%82%B2%E7%BD%91%E5%9D%80%EF%BC%9AA_G_9.im [16:17:39] [3/3] Spam (Page name) [16:28:17] ^ is done [16:28:52] :DoneMH: [16:58:37] [1/2] https://zhdel.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:%E6%97%A5%E5%BF%97?logid=227645 [16:58:37] [2/2] https://zhdel.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:%E6%97%A5%E5%BF%97?logid=227646 [16:58:56] two logs need to OS [16:59:10] @Stewards [17:02:10] :DoneMH: [17:03:19] cc @Discord Moderators - Please delete (PII) [17:04:03] If you can delete it yourself @honglan233 [17:04:47] Done:DoneMH: [17:17:08] @kiju1108 Can I DM about PII? [17:17:37] of course [17:33:08] Ah, I think I can list the violation pages on zhdelwiki on my user page [17:42:24] [[User:Honglan233/zhdelwiki]]:DoneMH: [17:42:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Honglan233/zhdelwiki [17:42:25]