[01:40:48] [1/3] i didnt do anything, thats just my ip?? i was just trying to get an account and that showed also i dont know if this is the right thing- [01:40:48] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1260047974390567013/image.png?ex=668de69f&is=668c951f&hm=d3be913e37146c750455fd9d9c5845c1cf61c9f210daf911c4a08a4b270273e6& [01:40:48] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/443926951292567562/1260047974717853757/image.png?ex=668de69f&is=668c951f&hm=a2243071454cb54fec7cd6192085585349097671dd21a2446e160c3d7627733c& [01:42:16] @CVT can anyone help? [01:42:26] This is you trying to register? [01:42:46] yeah, i was trying to set one up [01:43:19] Send an email to `cvt@miraheze.org` and a volunteer will create an account for you [01:43:23] Send an email to `cvt@miraheze.org` [01:43:38] 😠 beat me to it [01:44:03] i need email access :p [01:44:31] soon young padawan [01:44:42] brandonwm@miraheze.org is crazy though [01:46:41] how long will it take? [01:49:58] It shouldn't take more than a few days [01:52:06] thats at max [01:52:18] really whenever someone sees the email [03:54:56] lmao [22:40:45] no cvt reports 😦 [22:42:14] LMAO [22:42:19] they scared of you [22:43:53] :BanHammerMH: [22:47:14] just wait till i pull up [22:47:20] will achieve instant world peace [22:47:22] by fear