[00:50:50] Well, he's very excited about the prospect of https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/53519#mw-section-comments [00:52:15] Unlikely to get approved, but they think it will, considering https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User_talk:L1948L#Thugpedia [01:47:11] thugpedia should probably not come back [01:47:40] Didn't it get deplatformed from MH for looooots of content policy violations [01:48:09] I don't remember it on MH [01:48:24] but given the description it would be completely unsurprising [01:49:11] Apparently it was; then it moved to SkyWiki since it technically complied with their Content Policy at the time, then was shut down there after a discussion with its Steward team [01:49:32] you know its bad if it can't even survive on skywiki [01:53:09] Don't even know SkyWiki [01:53:23] https://meta.skywiki.org/wiki/Main_Page [01:53:33] Apparently beneath me 😂 [02:28:06] If it’s Coco’s, you probably don’t want to visit [03:08:05] it is [03:08:11] it's too late for tali [14:43:13] [1/4] this charming fella is repeatedly evading on the music reception wikis and is asking for a good salting [14:43:13] [2/4] [14:43:13] [3/4] [14:43:14] [4/4] [18:05:46] @Stewards [18:06:20] isn't terribly urgent but I'm sure more evasions will occur [18:06:36] in fact he promised it on the music wikis discord [18:24:53] Yeah [22:12:09] Gblocked and locked all I found, notice provided on main acct