[21:07:57] [1/3] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:ZoeyX [21:07:57] [2/3] When in doubt, ask. So I ask: [21:07:57] [3/3] Is this misleading? To me it is, but for others it might be ignorable. [21:08:34] `a standout figure in the Miraheze community` Account created today [21:11:28] sounds like chatgpt gobblygook and hopefully a satire, which should be fine; I don't think it is misleading in a meaningful or actionable sense [21:12:09] we're not in the business of fact people describing themselves as notable however that may actually be true or not tbh [21:12:35] the line here would be to claim authority, role that is not held, or official representation some other way of "the Meta" [21:20:28] Understood. [21:20:31] Thanks [21:22:34] Simple solution [21:22:37] Do what Elon did [21:22:47] Extension:CommunityNotes [21:23:31] pretty sure that was around some time before, but it would be interesting [21:24:03] if I want to do what elon did I will buy the wikitide foundation and walk around its office with a sink or something [22:38:04] If a user put king of Miraheze in their bio, that's still but fine [22:38:22] It's the cosplaying as an official role that would cross the line [22:39:00] Oh, raidarr got there first, yay [22:44:32] that is true, you could interpret 'king of miraheze' as official but it is not a title with any meaning in miraheze function and so is harmless [22:44:53] though that might not hold up as well for usernames or wiki requests