[11:29:39] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Calbe Vandalism [13:19:20] calbe is allged to be xaloria on skywiki, which is almost no basis at all but does represent a cross platform abuse pattern and I believe I have seen that nature of vandalism pop in on miraheze before [13:45:20] He states himself to be a sock! [13:45:40] "Coco sock" [13:46:15] that is dubious although the circlejerk of abuse that arises mainly from skywiki (that's where this stuff is infinitely more present and visible) is hard to pin down any legitimate cause [13:46:26] there is also abuse there that knows how to spoof some of the common identifiers [13:47:53] it also very regularly uses proxies and perhaps tor there, which should be much more difficult on miraheze