[07:07:08] Agreed [14:20:33] [1/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/BartDude [14:20:33] [2/2] I've given him a warning, after twice vandalising a translated page. [14:27:55] ---------- [14:29:16] [1/3] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Nazqueen1234 [14:29:16] [2/3] Seems commercial - advertising why one should choose a: [14:29:17] [3/3] `Textile Motorcycle Jackets: The Ultimate Choice for Riders` [22:02:25] that's telegraphed spam content wise [22:02:31] more bold than I usually see [22:03:40] [1/2] @CVT, kill [22:03:40] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:AbuseLog/1171869 [22:07:29] Locked, thanks. [23:01:12] bart's wiki is a poorly stolen wikipedia clone so far at a glance to recent changes [23:01:17] I have a feeling he won't be lasting long [23:03:55] Indeed. I've been following him too