[03:04:41] I just want to express my gratitude for all the help and support I have had over the past few weeks. The Museum of Moving Art wiki is chugging along and now has a custom domain name wikimoma.art [03:05:41] I have been on a steep learning curve that took me down a very intriguing rabbit hole, but I like it down here :-) [12:01:41] heh, https://netsplit.de/networks/history/top10_2021u.png [16:16:32] Reception123, yeah, I saw the blog post on libera.chat about it, but hadn't checked the list yet [16:22:20] https://freenode.net/news/post-mortem-may21 [16:22:20] ^ heh what a load of BS that is...it's interesting they say they should've handled it "slightly differently," but they make no mention of the proper way to have handled this. If they really wanted to support migrated communities, they should've dropped, rather than forwarded, migrated channels, and de-registered project namespaces for projects that had migrated, or substantially migrated [16:22:20] [ Letter to freenode - Post Mortem of May 25, 2021 - freenode ] - freenode.net [16:23:46] heh yeah [17:54:20] YAY, my power supply arrived [17:54:23] im happy [20:05:42] I FINALLY left the high school behind for good, considering I'm now graduated out of the high school system today. [20:33:30] @DarkMatterMan4500 Congrats 🎉 [20:52:51] Congratulations and also I just joined [21:51:22] ok, so I just need a M.2 screw and then I can use my new PC [22:00:04] Lake, cool [22:00:22] that's good, DarkMatterMan4500 :) [22:15:02] dmehus/ @Doug could you please see #general on discord asap? [22:17:15] Lake, looking [22:31:25] @Doug Sorry to bug you, but could you look at the #cvt channel for a second if you're free? [23:00:40] Darkmaterman [23:01:18] Can you send me the link for the qualitypedia discord server I am on mobile and it doesn’t sho ether link for the discord server [23:02:19] I'll send that to you privately. [23:04:22] I shared it to you privately. But I think something is very weird about this. Either way, don't cause anyone any grief there as we've already had enough grievers.