[02:34:43] Taste of Summer by k6ka (AKA Czar Hey) https://www.flickr.com/photos/czar_hey/51237488384/, https://www.deviantart.com/k6ka/art/Taste-of-Summer-882175887, https://www.instagram.com/p/CP6jHZ3gPfP/ Date Taken: Jun 4, 2021, 8:32:26 PM EST Camera: Nikon D700 Lens: AF Zoom-Nikkor 80-200mm f/2.8 ED Shutter Speed: 1/2000 sec (0.0005 sec) Aperture: f/2.8 ISO Speed: 5600 Focal Length: 80mm Flash: Off, did not fire [02:34:44] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/852737581435453480/DSC_0905_2021-06-04_edit1-2021-06-06.jpg [06:46:16] https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/business-57383867.amp [06:46:23] Google got fined for so much [06:47:11] JestonT, yeah I heard about that [06:47:26] Kinda crazy 😜 [06:47:46] Yeah the EU and specific EU countries don't really like big US tech firms [06:47:54] Looks like they stole data from our client side and then sell it for advertiser [06:48:16] and they almost regularly fine them either for data protection issues or for abusing their dominant position [06:48:25] Then my old data might be flying around the advertiser 🤭 [06:48:40] hmm [06:49:28] Or flying around google database while google discussing the price of the data 🤭 [06:52:23] I wonder which company didn’t get investigated. If all got fined then which company should we use? All looks dangerous 😶 [06:52:23] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/852802423294132244/image0.png [06:53:20] yeah, I'm pretty sure most of the big ones are [06:53:55] I wonder if we should even continue using Google as a daily basic [06:54:09] Maybe storing inside our hard drive or paper would be safe 🤭. [06:54:18] yeah... though it is a nice and easy to use service in the end [06:55:10] But I sometimes store passwords through [06:55:38] I wonder if Apple security is good? [09:43:16] I mean, can we trust Microsoft or Facebook even? [09:46:20] I'll keep using Google, simply because it would be a too big of a hassle trying to move over to something else, especially when you've used something like gmail for ages... besides, I've got an Android phone. The only real other option is using an apple product pretty much and eww.. apple. [10:22:14] Actually @Blackwolfe I am an Apple users which I using IOS 😛 [10:22:24] I know. [10:22:40] Oh I told u before 😅 [10:22:43] Yes [10:23:12] I think Apple privacy better then Google [10:24:58] I never use Android [10:33:10] Kind of difficult running android when you got an iphone, lol [10:34:04] You should also stop using youtube. Because youtube is owned by google 😛 [11:38:38] Kinda annoyed that someone thought I should of stuck with "Galas Malatar" as my world name, but renamed it Taerel as I wanted to remove all Elder Scrolls stolen names from it. I wanted to use mjy own names as to be orinal [12:24:22] i can say I'm pretty much of an anti-apple [12:25:20] not strictly because of the final result of their products, but how they influence the rest of the companies to have a priority on visuals rather than functionality [12:25:40] pretty much I resumed the entire iPhone, iPad, macbook and iMac with this [14:47:16] You can customize android devices way more as well, which is part of why I prefer android. [14:48:13] The few times I've tried an iPhone, I found the entire UI etc to be a complete and utter mess. [15:06:42] @Lake, me too. Apple's closed ecosystem really has my ire. I don't feel they're responsive to users' needs or wants, either [15:07:56] I don't love Google's dominance over Android, either, but I would just note that Samsung has their Tizen OS, so perhaps they are the way to go. revi may disagree [15:08:08] * dmehus wonders what make of smartphone revi uses [15:09:10] I just have an LG K7. I don't have a cell phone connection/plan, though. I basically just use it as a 2FA authentication device over wifi :P [16:23:31] I love the apple iphones including macs! [16:51:53] so @dmehus u dont use a phone to txt and call? [16:52:51] i use samsung [16:56:23] Cocopuff2018, not really. I have a Google Voice number for any SMS texting, though [16:56:40] oof [16:56:53] have t mobile unlimited [16:56:56] i have [16:56:57] ah [16:57:14] its not expensive each month [16:59:05] i dont pay it my mom does, i dont even pay bills yet lol [17:00:43] I have a cheap Andorid phone I would use to call 999 if needed [17:02:16] if u got unlimited [17:08:02] TheBurningPrincess, you can actually use a cell phone to call emergency services numbers 911 without a cell phone plan, as far as I know [17:08:10] but maybe not [17:14:43] gives dmehus a iPhone and a cookie, and says "I know someone apple-obbbesd at my home, two infact" [17:15:58] lol [17:18:53] One guy ways buys the latest iPhone, another owns a iPhone, iPad and wants an iMac [18:11:34] Good afternoon