[01:36:27] I don’t have nitro [01:36:46] :sad: [01:36:46] Now I cannot spam emojis [01:36:55] Command sent from Discord by Bukkit | Justin: [01:36:56] ... [01:37:09] n i t r o moment [01:37:15] :Stare: [01:37:18] Indeed [01:37:37] I got it free through that epic games promotion a week or two ago [01:37:49] I got a trial [01:38:01] then immediately realized about epic games [01:38:31] could have gotten for 3 months instead of one [01:45:51] same on my other account, I got the trial before the epic games promotion came out [10:05:32] @Avengium [tuscriaturas] Would you like to see my world's wordpress website? [10:15:13] no, i'm not interested [11:34:01] @reirrab, could you change your status, please? It's very disturbing and against #rules . Thanks. [15:20:49] Lol [18:08:37] Hmm? [18:59:00] What's wrong with what it's displaying? It's not NSFW unless they really post it here. [19:17:18] that's been their status for a while, I'm surprised it's been barely brought up [19:38:02] yo whats wrong with it? [19:39:02] umm it didnt post that here [20:20:59] yeah, I didn't get all that too [21:21:49] I feel like R4356th was overreacting over a simple status. That makes no sense whatsoever. [21:22:34] Hmm [21:45:01] Drop stick [21:45:57] drops the stick [21:50:04] Will do, [22:35:48] What does that mean? [22:39:56] stop talking about it [22:41:17] Changing subject now: So anyway, how is everybody's day today?