[03:35:34] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/408703618389377024/870836247839506512/yt1s.com_-_Im_Joe_Bidens_Husband-3.mp4 [12:25:05] May I ask if we accept/can import content from fandom? Pls ^^ [12:26:01] We can import content as long as it's attributed right [12:26:01] Indeed it is less stylish but to me with a very easy intuitive interface [12:26:58] Sorry, what exactly intend with right attributed 😉 [12:27:09] ? [12:28:19] put wikia:fandomwikiname as the interwiki prefix [12:48:33] 👍 [12:48:43] Thx [12:49:59] Use full history too [13:12:11] Does that also work for Wikimedia too, @RhinosF1? [13:12:35] Yes [13:12:58] I'm guessing wikia:wikimedia, or something similar? [13:21:46] no [13:21:58] if you're importing from wikimedia it depends which site [13:22:07] Use special:Interwiki [13:22:21] Ah, I see then. [17:11:26] Wikiname Wiki | Fandom https://wikiname.fandom.com/wiki/Wikiname_Wiki [17:11:26] [url] Wikiname Wiki | Fandom | wikiname.fandom.com [17:11:36] Yep they have one already xD [23:30:49] I do wish Doug was fully back. [23:51:10] he must've been very busy this entire month [23:51:37] Yeah, but now I'm fighting a goddamn vandal by reverting every vandalism-only edits. [23:58:05] at least we have an extra global sysop, that's surely very helpful [23:58:29] Except @MrJaroslavik (ON) isn't active at the moment.