[07:21:04] At least you put up a good fight there! 😆 [07:29:45] did you read the thread on there? i wasn't trying to come off as a shill so I just played it cool [07:30:15] Not the full thread but yeah. [07:30:15] oh, spill the beans lol [07:32:54] well, one Community Council tried to say that John leaving meant that Miraheze was crumbling and unstable and I told them that we have a bunch of sysadmins and Stewards and that internal disagreements probably happen at Fandom too except that we don't see them. [07:32:55] The councilmember calmed down a bit on that and at the end basically said they wouldn't recommend Miraheze because they "pick up Fandom's trash" and I replied that we don't want many of those hateful wikis and that we've tightened the Content Policy to prohibit hateful communities and after that that SRE comment came [07:33:06] and then the convo died [08:50:17] Interesting [09:56:33] It's worth noting that John slipped right back in as well [09:56:42] Discreetly deleted the exit rant and is back in engineering [09:58:33] Can you link to said thread [10:01:43] If you mean the Fandom one, here's agent's last comment on the topic as a launchpad of sorts https://discord.com/channels/563020189604773888/874679847799115836/874744387614171257 [10:01:43] [url] Discord | discord.com [10:02:17] Oh nice, it even is a distinct thread [10:02:22] Not on discord [10:02:39] Did everything happen there [10:04:44] In that conversation, I believe so. All via Fandom in an actual discord thread. [12:13:36] @raidarr he deleted the exit rant? 😀 [12:13:53] It appears so [12:15:03] Nice. Maybe his rant was something temporary said "in the heat of the moment" [12:15:58] It did seem quite deliberately written and sincere. Perhaps the situation changed enough for his tastes. But that is for him to say, and he opted not to as of yet. [12:20:14] I agree [18:32:18] Hello [18:33:13] Didn't know you were a editor at wonka @agent [18:33:46] Cocopuff2018: wonka? [18:34:14] Another name for wikia [18:35:15] ah, I see [18:35:31] erm, not really, I go occasionally but I haven't really edited there in years [18:35:52] I am no longer allowed there [18:36:29] you're not missing much lol [18:37:24] Good Plus wonka is daying [19:18:57] didn't know willy wonka worked for fandom [19:21:24] such a disgrace for willy wonka [20:30:03] something dirty is going on here! [20:30:03] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/875113857264283678/unknown.png [20:30:34] dirty jobs [20:30:41] Who the fuck is this TreeIsLife person? [20:30:52] some random person who thinks Miraheze is bad [20:31:00] A user who isn't terribly familiar with the context, and so just kinda makes guesses. [20:31:20] It doesn't help the environment he's in, I imagine he's simply not familiar as compared to an actual hater. [20:31:43] Clearly some person looking to start drama [20:31:59] I've been trying to subtly correct some bad info they have [20:32:12] like Miraheze crumbling because John quit [20:32:40] Tbh John came back [20:32:54] He was replying in context to John's rather inflammatory post, which is easy ammunition considering it was from a co-founder and made plausible claims in regards to MH, especially for someone who is not familiar with the place's details. He's back on the team now, of course. [20:32:58] I'm clearly not familiar w/ John event [20:33:14] I think it's much more a matter of misinformation as compared to any real bad-faith on Tree's end. [20:33:15] Yeah, they think just because John resigned means the end of Miraheze. Well they're fucking wrong and should double-check their facts. I hate it when people jump to conclusions like that. [20:33:32] I think this is gonna get into drama [20:33:39] Sadly it is common and can be done by the very people who seek to avoid it. [20:33:52] All you can do is correct them in good faith and keep a civil pretense. [20:33:56] perhaps I'm gonna go ask a steward to deal with That user [20:34:00] exactly [20:34:02] Yes, that could be useful [20:34:04] That user is not on Miraheze. [20:34:17] They were speaking in Fandom discord as a strictly Fandom user. [20:34:28] Clearly if they are not an editor they don't need to be in our server they only looking for drama [20:34:37] Nor were they in this server. [20:34:49] coco please, read carefully [20:34:50] Miraheze is questionable [20:34:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/875115059657965608/unknown.png [20:35:00] We are discussing takes from other users discussing Miraheze on Fandom. [20:36:53] Heh [20:37:06] not gonna get on discord for this [20:37:17] yeah, leave it [20:37:25] we don't need drama and fights on the thread [20:37:27] At the very least, just realize the context of what is discussed :p [20:37:55] MH's best foot forward is from correction with civility, not bogging down in arguments. [20:39:21] also, @DarkMatterMan4500, I declined blankballwiki because the description didn't tell us what "blankball" was, only that they were migrating [21:20:05] Still, the description felt okay-ish.