[09:25:24] new skin? [09:39:17] New everything 😉 [10:07:51] Nice skin [12:09:19] wait rly [12:09:33] i heard imaginating you're asleep helps you sleep [12:10:13] :o [12:19:47] Oh, I totally futzed my sleep last night if we're bringing that one up [12:20:11] Zero wish to turn in, too much (mentally) to do, etc, totally failed it [12:25:47] wdym [12:26:02] like, brain keeps bringing up "you have to do this tomorrow" [12:26:06] and things like that? [12:26:12] "how about doing it now" [12:26:16] oh [12:26:17] i see [12:26:41] i'm more like "you didn't do this today, you must do it tomorrow you lazy piece of shit" [12:26:54] and then i don't do it tomorrow 🤣 [12:27:09] Oh, there's all sorts of things I 'plan to do' 'soon' [13:18:19] The weather outside in my area is bad. We're under some tornado and/or flood watch where I am. [13:34:04] 99.9% of my sleep problems are caused by anxiety alone [13:35:21] Ahhh, why? [13:37:09] idk, sometimes when it's time for sleep, I just can't go to the bed, and my heart starts going a million km/h [13:45:42] Ahh [13:46:14] Please take it easy and try to give yourself rest of mind, you deserve it.