[09:29:37] Lots of wiki [09:37:38] Same with polandballwiki. [09:58:11] https://chng.it/BZVdkVGttb [09:58:12] [url] Petition · Bring Back Animax Asia in Thailand · Change.org | chng.it [10:00:46] heh yes, I noticed the same [11:14:17] hey, I'm very sorry for my absence recently. I have been working on other things lately [11:15:07] Ok [12:24:29] I rarely see them pop up though [15:46:10] Apple lost the epic games case [16:16:33] o [17:54:15] whooo, what? [17:57:21] fellas, need a help w/ weird case over ebay, it's about refund/return - anyone? [19:42:00] I mean, I'm on ebay, but it can get too weird for me easily as I do various things to avoid weirds being allowed :p [19:48:21] What's up? I've had to deal with returns/refunds a few times [20:01:56] dm'ed