[05:14:27] :aniblobsweat: [05:14:27] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/887929399243059240/Screenshot_20210916-001411-475.png [05:14:33] > 4997 wikis [05:14:58] I know the count is cached and refreshed every day, I wonder how many wikis we truly have now [05:15:17] Did we reach 5000? :surprised: [07:58:43] 5004 wikis! [13:22:21] Work on a little network of wikis, including its various leadership matters that are still not 'codified' [13:22:45] I did a bit of it myself to keep the ball moving, so it's all good :p [13:52:45] Qualitypedia [14:17:14] a week from next tuesday until the our labour leaders biggest ever speech! [14:17:20] cannot wait! [14:34:25] QP in short, yeah [14:35:10] So not to confront, but does biggest ever imply quality, or does that in usual politik-speak mean he has the most words to say ever and as much to say as politicians ever do [14:55:30] think it means winning people over. [14:56:18] So biggest as far as quality/influence, then? [14:56:22] I could see that one [15:26:53] Biggest in quantity or in quality? usually is biggest because is of importance for the country [16:12:18] He's giving the fabian society 14,000 worded essay the day before [17:21:18] well, there you have it :p [19:50:32] Labours also professionalising the party - https://labourlist.org/2021/09/exclusive-new-party-rule-changes-criticised-as-bureaucratic-power-grab/ [19:50:33] [url] Exclusive: New party rule changes criticised as “bureaucratic power grab” – LabourList | labourlist.org [19:50:48] (the rule changes are good, criticism lacks merit) [19:56:19] so much stuff that needs to get voted at the conference [19:56:22] need to get the independent complaints process voted for [22:35:22] My old wiki host WikiFree collapsed due to many issues and might be a predecessor to Miraheze along with Orain. [22:36:22] WikiFree had some similarities to Orain like many skins and nonprofit [23:05:38] There have been and still are a number of very small hosts out on the market [23:06:13] I'm vaguely watching one that has a much more stringent series of policies to work with that's kinda fought for attention over the course of years, never quite gets it (and may not necessarily want it I'm thinking) [23:07:40] same, my wiki farm just imploded [23:08:52] but I've always considered TropicalWikis as the spiritual predecessor of Orain [23:09:21] it was started in 2011 and was supposed to merge with Orain but never did [23:09:26] disappeared one day [23:09:31] (just like Orain did) [23:11:36] there always have been but unfortunately, the vast majority of them deadpool after a year (that is, if they even make it past a year) [23:11:49] most wiki farms don't make it past the 3rd year [23:12:03] Same principle can be held to most things that start up, really. [23:12:17] Anywhere from a minecraft server to a wiki, a wiki farm, a country... [23:29:56] F in the chat for discord music bots :( [23:30:29] Google sucks