[00:00:35] what even is his timezone, it's possible that it's still not yet nighttime where he's at [00:00:44] idk [00:00:50] depends where he lives in canada [00:04:22] I think its 5:04 [00:05:21] for him [00:05:42] It is [00:05:54] yeah, it seems he lives in British Columbia so it's possibly still sunny for him [00:05:59] not quite yet nighttime [00:06:24] I guess I could wait for him. [00:07:12] Yeah, It's best to be patient. [00:09:41] He'll be here when he is, essentially [00:14:57] Right, I'll patiently wait for him to return from his job. [00:31:52] Not sure if it's my autism or something, but whenever Doug is active, I get low key hyped [00:32:47] he's a pleasant person to be around so that's understandable [00:33:35] who is Doug? [00:33:52] Tintle: One of our Stewards [00:34:02] ah [00:44:28] Friday should be more effective then. [12:57:31] Hey Doug :) [19:07:45] Today an MP was murdered in the UK [19:08:04] I've seen people celebrating his death and also making threats against tory and labour voters. [19:12:05] That's embracing [19:15:37] death threats i meant [19:23:51] I've seen, it's really such an awful and despicable thing. I think it's clear that MPs will need more security in the future as it's clearly a dangerous environment. [19:24:37] Goes to show the breakdown of civility in the western world has extended well beyond the US. [19:25:22] Yes, it's very sad that people are turning to violence (and more than that) instead of having civilised discussions about their disagreements. [19:25:52] As school always taught me “Violence is not the answer” [19:26:02] Indeed, it never is [19:27:47] Unfortunately, that’s the way things are. Wish people were more civil about disagreements [19:28:11] Civil disagreement has been on the way out for some time. [19:28:27] At least at the global scale. [19:29:59] On Tuesday, there was a fight at school because someone says “Call of Duty sucks” [19:30:31] Yeah, people are so violent and angry about things these days [19:55:43] s/embracing/embarrassing [19:55:44] Spookreeeno meant to say: That's embarrassing [19:55:49] Just noticed that [22:11:37] Legit had to make an outlook acc just to make a FB acc [22:12:00] Couldn't use null.net [22:13:25] totally didnt forget my other microsoft acc password [22:17:52] I feel like a boomer learning how to use facebook [22:20:44] I haven't used Facebook in a while [22:35:54] Anyone ever noticed @Void's been missing for a while? [22:36:29] Yeah, not even any Phabricator activity [22:37:05] Only 1 commit on GitHub\ [22:37:16] Oh that's just great. First Doug, now him. [22:39:21] But in any case, I'm sure Void will return too, but likely not tonight though, doing god knows what. [22:41:34] Rhinos, I got confused when I saw "Spookreeeno" [22:41:57] I thought "A random new person voiced?"