[00:46:08] Texas is getting each day less Republican... [12:16:32] Considering getting a surface pro [12:28:40] Bongo-Cat: Unless it's a model with over 8GBs of RAM then don't bother. Otherwise, it's a swell device [15:04:48] .r [15:04:51] .help r [15:04:51] Bongo-Cat: Unknown command "r" [15:04:55] .help reminder [15:04:55] Bongo-Cat: Unknown command "reminder" [15:04:57] .help remind [15:04:57] Bongo-Cat: Unknown command "remind" [15:05:01] .r [15:05:17] .r 5h Make a Bukkit wiki [15:05:22] .remind [15:05:24] .remindme [15:05:33] UGH [15:06:22] I can ping you in 5 hours on discord if you like~ [15:07:38] Yeah, that'd be fine [15:08:07] I'm gonna leave the IRC channel so I can focus on class (pls no irc dms for now) [15:08:26] I'm not really savvy with the irc anyway, so it would probably be discord [15:08:29] .kick [15:08:43] How to leave channel on IRCCloud [15:09:28] .remind 2min Bongo-Cat Hello [15:10:40] Rhinos, you use IRCCloud, correct? How do you leave channel on IRCCloud? [15:14:00] /leave [15:18:55] On basically all IRC clients, it's either /leave or /part [18:43:10] Iirc IRC standards require all clients to have a /part [20:57:37] irc = i remember correctly [20:57:39] 😎 [20:58:35] If i remember correctly . Has two i i [20:59:32] hi [20:59:39] HHi [21:32:32] democrats are having surges in virgina :O [21:32:35] same for republicans