[00:20:28] https://twitter.com/MrHarryCole/status/1456764052462526471 [00:20:29] [Twitter] Harry Cole (@MrHarryCole): Fireworks in Westminster tonight as Tories turn fire on each other - toffs Vs towns and cabinet bickering blows up: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/16650677/fireworks-kick-off-among-tory-mps/ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FDd3Ln6XMAAldqz.jpg | 17 RTs | 31 ♥s | Posted: 2021-11-05 - 23:23:10GMT [00:20:45] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/OLY7GOGu/image.png [01:55:36] i need to buy more vinyls [01:55:45] yes I like to collect vinyl discs [15:07:12] A Fandom employee seems to have quit and took the Discord verification bot with him [15:07:17] now they can't verify [17:53:47] Lmao [18:06:54] .... when there own people starts lacking confidence in Fandom leadership and resigns... https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/3ndZcsjI/pcj.pdf [18:11:55] Oh yeah, that letter he wrote really bashes management. He was a Wiki Representative who managed over 600+ wikis. The average representative manages under 40 I think. Crazy amount of work [18:12:08] Some users think that their Wiki Representative system will crumble after this [18:50:23] Yay, John Lewis is back as a Steward again. [20:04:02] I mean, Fandom is owned by a mix of private equity and venture capital firms, and was sold from one group of PE/VC firms to another group of PE/VC firms in the past couple of years. Their migration of Gamepedia to the Fandom unified platform seems to have been a real source of discontent [20:04:46] I don't expect they are making any money from the endeavour. At some point, the taps will run dry [20:12:20] Gamepedia was swallowed, and the consequences show. [20:12:33] Iirc pcj was more from gamepedia, but I'm not sure [20:21:30] pcj? [20:22:18] The most involved representative from fandom in communities for some time, by far