[04:04:47] <김대심> @everyone Hey, I got some nitro left over here: https://discordnltro.xyz/billing/promotions/vy98rpaEJZnhh5x37agpmC0j [04:04:48] [url] Redeem Promotion | discordnltro.xyz [04:07:31] > scam [04:08:44] DO NOT click that link. [04:37:52] > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/920172717435678730/unknown.png [04:38:02] > bot converting wikitext to discord md [04:39:22] > this too [04:39:23] > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/920173096634318888/unknown.png [10:03:33] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/920254678078455838/1639439519170.jpg [12:12:43] Hello world! [12:12:50] Anyone wanna talk? [12:12:51] hello israel [12:13:04] Ah, I see you noticed my pfp [12:13:18] It was Kenny from South Park, but I changed it yesterday [12:14:33] Command sent from Discord by TigerBlazer: [12:14:34] ... No comment [21:26:32] is anyone here familiar with wordpress? [23:01:41] To an extent, I sorta am. [23:02:58] I want to know how could I dynamically generate some pages [23:03:57] example: I have a JSON with X pages with Y data, then I want each of the entries on the JSON to be an actual page, but without having to create 38742309845 pages manually [23:04:25] Hrm… [23:05:23] Sorry, but I don’t know how to [23:06:10] Ask Mark Zuckerburg, he knows everything about data