[00:05:08] @Superintendent so what exactly are you having issues with? [00:05:33] just i cant find any good guides [00:05:49] i have media wiki installed and apache running [00:05:57] just apache just gives me the Basic home page of it [00:06:02] You shouldn't need any guides, MediaWiki installation is very easy through the web UI [00:06:15] Did you perhaps download it in the w directory or mediawiki directory? [00:07:15] ? [00:08:07] https://www.atlantic.net/vps-hosting/how-to-install-mediawiki-ubuntu-20-04/ [00:08:07] [url] How to Install MediaWiki on Ubuntu 20.04 - Atlantic.Net | www.atlantic.net [00:08:10] is the guide i was using [00:08:15] sorry botto [00:08:43] Alright, just to make sure we're on the same page, have you downloaded MediaWiki? [00:08:51] i have wiped my VPS [00:08:55] square 1 [00:09:00] but i can install it [00:09:27] wget https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.35/mediawiki-1.35.2.zip Correct? [00:10:35] No, MediaWiki 1.35.2 is an outdated version of an LTS release. Try wget https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.37/mediawiki-1.37.1.zip [00:10:42] ffs [00:10:44] i swear [00:11:02] so i need to install lamp First [00:11:07] Make sure to do that in your web server's root directory [00:11:09] or do media wiki [00:11:33] MediaWiki relies on PHP + MySQL so I suggest you install LAMP first [00:11:38] ok, [00:12:19] bruh lamp takes for EVER! [00:13:57] been like 3 mins still downloading [00:13:58] sheesh [00:14:27] Just a quick question, how are you installing LAMP? [00:14:35] apt-get install apache2 mariadb-server php libapache2-mod-php php-mbstring php-xml php-json php-mysql php-curl php-intl php-gd php-mbstring texlive imagemagick unzip -y [00:15:12] is this correct? [00:15:18] Yeah, looks good [00:16:21] so do i make my mariaDB [00:16:23] now? [00:16:35] or do i install wikimedia [00:17:35] Just a question agent, are you a pokemon fan? [00:18:33] You should create a database first [00:19:05] mysql CREATE DATABASE mediawiki; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON mediawiki.* TO 'wikiuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; flush privileges; exit; [00:19:11] with these commands [00:19:14] correct? [00:20:09] That looks correct but you should change the default password [00:20:19] ok. [00:20:25] the "IDENTIFIED BY 'password'" portion [00:20:34] Ok so i was correct [00:21:35] lol i like how mysql when you leave its CLI is like bye bitch [00:23:48] so i have finished my Database creation. do i now download the media wiki [00:25:35] Yes, download it into the root directory of your web server [00:26:05] which is root@username [00:26:35] ok [00:27:21] its installed [00:27:54] Downloaded or MediaWiki is installed? [00:28:01] like https://meta.miraheze.org/m/6xb [00:28:06] oops [00:28:07] wrong paste [00:28:18] i ran this wget https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.37/mediawiki-1.37.1.zip [00:28:31] [url] Community Wishlist for 2022 - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [00:28:33] In the root directory of your webserver, right? [00:29:03] which would just be like root@xeynth [00:29:12] xeynth is the host im using rn so thats why it says that [00:29:19] No, the root directory of your webserver [00:29:24] Frick [00:29:24] From where Apache reads files from [00:29:29] thats why! [00:29:32] Not your /root home directory [00:29:42] ok so how would i uninstall the Media wiki installed in my root home directory [00:29:50] I'm guessing your webserver root is /var/www/html, right? [00:30:02] yes [00:30:15] MediaWiki isn't installed there, it's just downloaded. Feel free to leave them or delete them [00:30:23] oooooh thank god [00:30:24] So download the zip there [00:30:40] Downloading does not equal installing btw [00:30:40] so cd /var/www/html/ [00:30:45] Yes [00:30:48] yes, i get that [00:31:11] ok [00:31:18] its finished in my web servers root directory [00:31:23] which is wget https://releases.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/1.37/mediawiki-1.37.1.zip [00:31:49] Unzip it now [00:32:12] unzip mediawiki-1.37.1.zip correct [00:32:19] Yes [00:32:29] running [00:32:40] what is the aprox size for media wiki unzipped [00:32:46] and its done [00:34:16] maybe 30MBs? [00:34:19] or 60 [00:34:23] thats what i thought [00:34:24] I haven't checked [00:34:26] doesnt really matter [00:34:28] i have 20 gigs [00:34:35] of storage [00:34:43] What directory did it decompress into? [00:34:48] (run ls) [00:35:10] https://Superintendent.has-anxiety.xyz/memory/7toyeXb3zErQ8X.png [00:35:10] [url] 7toyeXb3zErQ8X.png | Superintendent.has-anxiety.xyz [00:35:47] alright, type mv mediawiki-1.37.1 w [00:36:04] Alright, i have done that [00:36:28] Now go to /w on your website [00:36:43] alright [00:36:50] it shows media wiki [00:36:55] https://Superintendent.has-anxiety.xyz/memory/7LQ7WjpMgGgW2D.png [00:36:56] [url] 7LQ7WjpMgGgW2D.png | Superintendent.has-anxiety.xyz [00:36:58] Follow the steps to install [00:37:45] what does database table prefix stand for [00:38:20] That's usually used whenever you want to share a database, it adds a prefix (something before each table name) [00:38:24] to all database tables [00:38:27] oh, [00:38:36] so i dont need it as im not sharing this database with multible wikis [00:38:42] So your actor table would become yourprefix_actor, etc [00:38:47] Exactly [00:38:55] ? [00:39:13] Ignore it basically if you're not going to share a database [00:39:16] Ok [00:39:32] https://Superintendent.has-anxiety.xyz/memory/L77GZTUrLfZxoa.png [00:39:33] [url] L77GZTUrLfZxoa.png | Superintendent.has-anxiety.xyz [00:40:18] would database host be Xenyth [00:40:26] Change the database user name from root to wikiuser [00:40:35] As you named your database user "wikiuser" [00:41:30] don't change the hostname [00:41:38] k [00:41:40] i didnt [00:41:53] so do i choose ask more questions or go the adhd route [00:42:30] Whatever you want. If you answer more questions, it'll ask you about enabling extensions I think and a few other things [00:42:40] I'd suggest answering the questions [00:43:16] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/922650392293179432/Screenshot_20211220-214300.png [00:43:21] Per content policy.. [00:43:26] which is better Visual editor or Wiki editor [00:43:52] "Youtubers with trash content" [00:44:03] :DoneMH: Approved, thank you for choosing Miraheze!! [00:44:09] Leave both enabled [00:44:27] Though in my opinion, WikiEditor is superior [00:45:53] does the logo url have to be a file on the server [00:45:57] or can it be a Link [00:47:10] It can be a link too [00:48:25] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/922651690824531988/unknown.png [00:48:26] https://Superintendent.has-anxiety.xyz/memory/F5BfUAQxZlkLR7.png [00:48:26] [url] F5BfUAQxZlkLR7.png | Superintendent.has-anxiety.xyz [00:48:27] uhm [00:48:57] Go back and change the database name [00:49:06] You named the database "mediawiki" [00:49:14] It's important you read commands before running them :) [00:50:18] like on the webpage or in the terminal [00:51:26] Click "Restart installation" on the mw-config UI [00:51:33] On that page [00:51:48] on that page [00:51:51] great [00:52:00] i did it on the first page in the instilation [00:58:16] Agent? [00:59:06] Yes? [00:59:39] was it ok if i restarted the Installation on the first page [00:59:52] or did it need to be the install page [01:00:38] Yes, that's fine [01:00:42] ok good [01:04:24] where would i find my var/www/html [01:04:29] cuz i cant find it on Filezilla [01:05:27] Perhaps Filezilla went into your home directory [01:05:32] Try going to / [01:05:50] ok [01:05:51] i found it [01:06:17] so i go into var/www/html and then put the localsettings.php [01:07:33] Into /var/www/html/w [01:07:41] o [01:07:45] ok so thats where i put it [01:08:10] Yes [01:08:14] yay [01:08:18] [01:08:19] [url] Superintendents wiki | [01:08:31] Neat, it works [01:09:46] yes very poggers [01:12:06] and i already forgot my admin accounts username and password [01:12:07] jesus [01:17:11] so do you need to unzip Extensions [01:17:24] or does media wiki do it for u [01:19:41] Yes, and you need to put them into the extensions directory [01:19:47] yes [01:19:50] i know dat now [01:24:53] can u see how big the database is? [01:39:53] Not gonna be on meta am going to sleep cuz I need it heh [02:52:34] > can this be invited? ... lol [03:05:04] It's definitely a cool tool but I don't really see a need for this bot to be here [03:05:27] > haha [03:05:29] > its a joke [03:05:46] I know it's not ;) [03:05:57] > what? [03:06:26] > just bumping a joke i made 4 days ago [03:07:42] there is no yin without yang [03:07:42] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/922686738869141605/Screenshot_from_2021-12-21_00-07-24.png [03:08:46] > oh wait just realized theres a miraheze meeting ooh [03:08:51] > NOOO ITS NOT IN MY TIMEZONE!!!! lol [03:09:30] > oh yes 5 january meeting in my timezone [03:17:36] Oy, disputes on there would have to be resolved locally. [03:19:32] Hehe, aye, hope so [03:57:06] Hmm, sure hope the game I helped develop a while ago doesn't show up in the Crappy Games Wiki [03:58:04] I'm sure it won't 🙂 [09:16:24] Doesn't really matter if a wiki clique on the internet throws it on that wiki or not [09:16:47] If the game satisfies the devs and the players it was aimed for, and is compensated for it, I think that's as simple as it has to be [09:29:26] Welcome @RhinosF1 [09:39:33] Hi [12:46:22] paladox: why are the government waiting until we have 250 people in hospital with omicron to see how bad it is [12:46:32] We know now there's gonna be a lot of cases [12:46:51] https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-59738511?ns_mchannel=social&ns_source=twitter&ns_campaign=bbc_live&ns_linkname=61c1ba3ad299cd67a81130ce%26Ministers%20wait%20for%20crucial%20Covid%20data%262021-12-21T11%3A39%3A01.417Z&ns_fee=0&pinned_post_locator=urn:asset:fa02391c-0388-4c53-8373-0bfc231effed&pinned_post_asset_id=61c1ba3ad299cd67a81130ce&pinned_post_type=share [12:46:52] [url] Covid: Omicron transmission eye-wateringly high - scientist - BBC News | www.bbc.co.uk [13:40:11] RhinosF1: from what I read Boris is afraid of a backbencher revolt [13:40:42] Reception123: Labour said they'd support [13:41:06] yeah but Boris would probably go out the door in no time [13:41:13] though anyway as things look he could in 2022 [13:41:35] He needs to get his arse in gear, sit with Starmer, make a plan and get on with it [13:42:01] Scrap any political lines and treat it like it is, a public health emergency [15:29:19] happy holidays guys! hope you guys have a very merry christmas!,,, saying it now incase i am not online the next few days [18:16:38] 🎄 [18:19:09] how long are holidays in UK/US tho?