[00:16:19] php-fpm for some reason isn't actually processing my info.php [00:51:55] Also i hate Fandom, its one of the many reasons i hate the FNF Fan Base. [01:05:44] rip me forgetting a2enconf php7.3-fpm [01:06:22] Finally got a Deb server running LAMP tho, so that's good [01:06:38] and fpm [01:06:42] Good progres [01:42:12] I keep getting DocumentRoot unreadable problems whenever I try to use phab [01:43:00] even though www-data is owner and chmod -R 755 was set [01:44:42] any directories above the document root which www-data can't access? [01:48:41] Figured it out lol. Did a stupid. put the subs under /etc/www/html not /var/www/html [01:48:55] well that would explain it [01:49:02] lol thanks anyway [01:49:08] np [03:36:42] Finally a successful Phabricator install [03:36:56] Weird experience starting from Linux [10:42:15] Holy shit. The polandballwiki still has the Miraheze maintenance script running? And this has been going on for nearly 24 hours? This is quite a record. [10:46:55] @DarkMatterMan4500 it's finished now [10:47:01] but yes, 44k pages [10:47:03] well images [10:47:26] @Reception123 Thanks for letting me know. [11:08:30] what this script does tho? [11:13:32] Usually for deleting stuff you don't really need. But you'd have to file it on Phabricator, and the sufficient amount of them would have to be 20 pages or files or more. [11:19:47] unused images? [11:30:40] Precisely. You catch on fast. [12:19:41] you just didn't replied vaguely [12:19:48] I had to specify [22:15:14] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze/2020-redesign [22:15:16] [url] Miraheze/2020-redesign - Miraheze Meta | meta.miraheze.org [22:15:27] Interesting page