[07:09:41] So, this is driving me crazy lol. Anybody recognize this code? https://gyazo.com/743544545568b1b9de0cf51a1d29c203 [07:09:41] [url] Screenshot - 743544545568b1b9de0cf51a1d29c203 - Gyazo | gyazo.com [07:13:51] dross, no lol [07:14:07] :( [07:37:15] makes me thing of natural resources symbols on maps lol [07:46:56] No matter what I search, I can't find any reference to anything like it. I feel like I've seen it before though [08:28:59] 22982 Still Declined [08:29:01] bruhh [08:33:08] > come on why 3 other tasks that are after mine have been done before mine! lol [08:33:09] > https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/944149524753039430/unknown.png [08:35:41] It's like someone else has done it [08:43:30] I got it. Turns out there's a "proprietary" code key [14:02:32] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/944232419547041822/team_chat.png [14:02:47] Substitute Discord for Skype and this is Miraheze. [14:05:38] https://xkcd.com/1782/ [14:05:38] [xkcd] Team Chat | Alt-text: 2078: He announces that he's finally making the jump from screen+irssi to tmux+weechat. [14:31:20] 2078: He announces that he's finally making the jump from screen+irssi to tmux+weechat 😄