[16:13:49] [discord] oh, and happy international women's day [18:59:54] Uhhhh, what's going on with Discord? [19:01:05] AWS, Google, and Cloudflare are all having issues [19:01:14] (Discord runs on AWS) [19:02:17] cloudflare status page reports some things rerouted, and AWS, and google status pages dont report any issues [21:04:23] [discord] was my post deleted? About asking for help with tvtropes? [21:09:34] Did you just post it? [21:51:22] [discord] I see no reason why someone would do it manually and it wasn't done automatically [21:51:26] [discord] I imagine it simply failed to deliver [21:52:31] IRC doesn't show anything, so the bridge bot didn't see the post [22:00:57] [discord] Okay, so I am loking for help with my TvTvrtopes article on my wiki, https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Wiki/TaerelSetting - would any Tropersa like to help? I think there the AllTheTropes article did not pass review [22:00:57] [url] Taerel Setting (Wiki) - TV Tropes | tvtropes.org