[21:32:16] @Lakelimbo Yo! [21:33:09] I want to disturb you a little, can we get a miraheze commons version of this https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/cidsYSfp/image.png [21:46:54] O.o [21:47:23] General hatred of Wikimedia or..? [21:53:07] TheresNoTime: hey [21:55:23] Hihi [21:56:15] How's TheresNoTime [21:56:28] Not bad thanks, what about you? [21:57:10] Birthday has been good [21:57:19] But the mocks have been messy [21:57:30] Aw, happy birthday! [21:57:42] Autistic friend had a breakdown [21:57:55] Starting on day 1 of the mocks [21:58:16] :( [21:58:20] Our exams officer has said she's never seen anything like it [21:58:26] They're certainly stressful.. [21:59:30] Breakdowns are [21:59:58] What's this all about some exam? [21:59:59] (the mock exams too) [22:00:13] darkmatterman450: mine [22:00:48] RhinosF1 I see. [22:02:56] TheresNoTime: the actual exam seemed easy compared to getting my friend though [22:16:17] ugochimobi: did it, see [[commons:File:NoCommonsMiraheze.svg]] [22:16:17] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NoCommonsMiraheze.svg [22:16:26] [[c:File:NoCommonsMiraheze.svg]] [22:16:26] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NoCommonsMiraheze.svg [22:16:34] [[mh:commons:File:NoCommonsMiraheze.svg]] [22:16:34] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/commons:File:NoCommonsMiraheze.svg [22:16:47] here: https://commons.miraheze.org/wiki/File:NoCommonsMiraheze.svg [22:16:48] [url] File:NoCommonsMiraheze.svg - Miraheze Commons | commons.miraheze.org [22:19:24] Hi chrs [22:20:17] [discord] ugochimobi: do you have a svg of this file? [22:21:06] hey RhinosF1