[00:09:41] amazing people can buy your freenom domain [00:09:44] :P [00:16:40] Bongo-Cat, yeah and Freenom can take over free Freenom domains, afaik [00:16:48] but it's still a decent free option [00:17:28] tbh thats fine by me cuz free domains [00:17:32] who wouldnt want one [00:17:42] paladox, wow, that was quite fast actually [00:18:10] lithuania has stopped russia gas as of this month its president annouced today [16:14:26] Covid booster done [16:19:29] Nice [16:22:12] Hypercane: I'm hoping I can make 3 jabs and 0 reactions [16:22:20] I've had Pfizer for all 3 [16:22:30] I had no reactions yet either [16:22:37] I had all 3 shots too. [16:36:24] RhinosF1, cool, how many boosters have you had now? Four? [16:37:00] dmehus: I've had Pfizer for all 3 [16:37:27] RhinosF1, oh cool, I wanted to also have Pfizer for all three, but we didn't get to choose, so my third one was Moderna [16:37:51] My shots were May 17th, July 17th, and January 19th [16:37:53] dmehus: I didn't get to choose for 3rd [16:38:03] RhinosF1, oh wow, you lucked out then :) [16:39:20] I had no reactions in any of mine. [16:39:24] Which was good [16:39:39] Inb4 I get one like 30+ years from now. [16:39:40] My worst reaction was after my third shot. Other two times was very mild injection site soreness for the first day or two. That time I felt nothing right after, but then the next day at the end of the day, I felt really tired and had the shivers. A good night's sleep seemed to do the trick and no side effects afterwards [16:39:46] cool, Hypercane :) [16:39:47] if ever [16:39:53] yeah [16:42:23] I've got like an arm sore enough to know it's there [16:42:31] but never more [16:42:34] Each time [16:53:31] Oh, I was a bit ill after mky first shot. but fine afterwards [17:04:43] That's good you got better [17:08:15] How fgoes yoiur wi9ki Hypercane [18:29:28] @DarkMatterBladeMan4000, I never heard back, how'd the job interview go? (No pressure if you don't want to say publicly, or at all.) [18:50:55] Morning dmehus [19:19:26] RhinosF1, morning :) [19:19:38] * dmehus will check his DMs in a bit [21:20:19] when is the next funny numbers coming out its getting old [21:32:32] My arm is getting quite achey [21:42:56] * Tintle 2 AZ (set 15, oct 13) and 1 Pfizer (Mar 2) [21:43:07] the first one was the worst [22:19:31] Tintle, regrettably, as @Agent subjected you, GT610, and others to a Discord ban for 5-7 days, I do have to kick you [22:19:36] .help ban [22:19:36] dmehus: Ban a user from the channel. The bot must be a channel operator for this command to work. [22:19:36] e.g. .ban nick [22:19:45] .ban Tintle [22:19:45] Attempting to OP... [22:19:55] .kick Tintle [22:19:55] Please wait... [22:20:35] rip tintle [22:20:41] [discord] *sigh* [22:21:29] raidarr, yeah... [22:29:34] .op [22:29:34] Attempting to OP... [22:30:12] .deop [22:30:12] Attempting to OP...