[11:32:38] [discord] ahh, lol [11:32:52] [discord] I missed this conversation, lol [11:33:22] [discord] @RhinosF1 you around on discord DM? [12:26:58] No [14:04:14] Okay [14:47:24] RhinosF1: starmer statement at 4pm [14:47:47] if he makes that statement my appovals of him will go through the fucking house [14:47:54] this is backfiring on the tories so bloody hard [14:48:32] paladox: ok [14:49:18] it's clear from the tory media response that they didn't expect starmer to do this and are shitting themselves right now [16:22:43] [discord] Paladox, the 4pm of which day? [16:22:50] today [16:23:24] [discord] Did it already started? [16:35:09] paladox: what was said [16:35:52] RhinosF1: he laid down that the tories want to make it out that all politicians are the same and that isn't true he said. He promised to resign (including Angela) if the police fine them. [16:36:03] he said integrity matters to him and putting the country first [16:36:14] https://twitter.com/Keir_Starmer/status/1523700146751557632 [16:36:14] [Twitter] Keir Starmer (@Keir_Starmer): The British public deserve politicians who know the rules apply to them. ⏎ ⏎ Who hold themselves to the highest standards. ⏎ ⏎ Who put the country first. ⏎ ⏎ Britain will always get that from me. https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1523698988884672515/vid/1280x720/w9K5gJpA9VPTt39S.mp4?tag=14 | 563 RTs | 3128 ♥s | Posted: 2022-05-09 - 17:23:18BST [16:51:12] [discord] That's great. I like when people value integrity 😀 👍 [17:23:22] [discord] https://youtu.be/RlMO5g_0HDg [17:23:23] [YouTube] ⁨Johnson and Starmer in Crisis?⁩ | 1h 6m 47s | Channel: ⁨Owen Jones⁩ | 28,811 views | 2022-05-08 - 13:12:21 [17:23:23] [discord] Hilarious argument at the end where Paul Mason tries to argue that people who supported arming Saudi Arabia should be in the Labour Party but not those who said NATO has been provoking Russia. [19:30:07] RhinosF1: https://twitter.com/jessicaelgot/status/1523742447737913345 [19:30:08] [Twitter] Jessica Elgot (@jessicaelgot): Exclusive - Labour says it can prove Starmer’s team worked past 1am on Beergate night. ⏎ ⏎ Our story tonight https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2022/may/09/labour-says-can-prove-starmer-team-worked-past-1am-beergate-night?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other | 139 RTs | 433 ♥s | Posted: 2022-05-09 - 20:11:23BST [19:30:13] the mails story is falling through lol [21:38:48] [discord] I mean wasn't the cake fiasco halfway through a working day as well though? [21:45:11] [discord] It’s not whether work was done before or after that relevant, rather the act itself as to whether it’s contravention of the rules at the time. If working before, after and even during was sufficient mitigation, Johnson shouldn’t have been fined for the birthday party incident as it was part of the working day with colleagues with work done before and after it.