[02:25:10] [discord] .stock [02:25:15] [discord] .stock chrs [02:25:24] [discord] .mhca Bukkit [02:25:32] [discord] welp [02:25:32] [discord] irc [02:26:24] bro i just logged into irc [02:26:49] and someone in Hong Kong tried to login into my account [02:26:56] .stock chrs [02:26:57] CHRS $9.2 030.03 (0.33%)03⬆ [02:27:26] .stock rblx [02:27:26] RBLX $41.25 031.73 (4.38%)03⬆ [02:27:37] lmfao roblox stocks still suck [02:28:55] lmfao bukkit time 08gu09ys i12t’08s m04e bu13kk06it [02:29:03] lmfao bukkit time09ys i12t’08s m04e bu13kk06it [02:39:30] [discord] lol i figured out how to do colors in irc [02:42:49] 04,01|07,01|08,01|09,01|11,01|12,01|13,01 i have some crayons lol 04,01|07,01|08,01|09,01|11,01|12,01| [21:24:21] [discord] .ping [21:24:42] We need to add command characters back [21:35:33] I haven’t been able to figure out how to do that in matterbridge