[19:59:26] [discord] FOSSBots & FOSSHOST are working on a conference for FOSS projects. See https://mobile.twitter.com/FOSSBotsStaff/status/1549841073014546438 [19:59:27] [Twitter] FOSSBots (@FOSSBotsStaff): We look forward to hearing you've got to say and hopefully seeing you all soon for some exciting talks on FOSS and your projects. Please contact rhinosf1[at]http://fossbots.org if you have any questions. | 4 RTs | 1 ♥s | Posted: 2022-07-20 - 19:38:01UTC [19:59:27] [Twitter] Quoting: Fosshost (@fosshostorg): We're partnering with @FOSSBotsStaff to launch a conference about the future of Free and Open-Source Software, and we would love your input. Would you prefer an online even, an offline event or an hybrid config? And when, 2023 or 2024? Let us know here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7jM-Wp8wL88U5Hr4bABxP2En5QMFevRbl5S4R0LM9kAGO_g/viewform | 3 RTs | 1 ♥s | Posted: 2022-07-20 -