[03:23:30] [discord] https://kotaku.com/giant-bomb-gamespot-metacritic-fandom-wookiepedia-1849608081 [03:23:31] [url] Giant Bomb, GameSpot And Metacritic Sold To Fandom For $50m | kotaku.com [03:40:38] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1026700349500829788/ab59f02.jpg [04:36:12] [discord] https://youtu.be/M9J6DKJXoKk [04:36:13] [YouTube] ⁨In The Virtual End (Linkin Park HL2 music video)⁩ | 3m 37s | Channel: ⁨Ray Koefoed⁩ | 2,335,643 views | 2009-11-02 - 00:28:32UTC [21:43:01] [discord] The fandom news. [21:43:02] [discord] > _However, none of this compares to today’s enormous announcement. “Gaming is one of our largest audiences at Fandom,” said Fandom when Kotaku reached out for comment. “We have 115 million gaming fans across 17 million pages of content and more than 100,000 gaming communities on our platform. So the addition of GameSpot and the other gaming sites will help us super serve gaming fans even more d