[05:54:38] [discord] ublock origin > adblock [05:55:11] [discord] also isn't google banning ad blocking extensions for chrome now? [05:55:18] [discord] dunno [05:55:45] [discord] i never liked chrome anyway, always was using firefox and its forks [06:00:09] [discord] I need to stop using Chrome [13:20:15] [discord] only chrome I would ever use is a fork like brave unless it was for testing purposes [13:20:53] [discord] in most respects chrome is lazy, complacent and worse than its forks anyway; from what I can tell edge is generally superior even though I wouldn't use that for an array of other reasons [19:35:40] [discord] I wonder why ~~It's YouTube~~ [19:43:36] [discord] It is not so much that they are straight up banning those extensions, but rather they are removing features from the API that makes them more or less impossible to work at least as well as they do currently (which is a LOT worse than just banning them actually, as it means it will affect any browser that just uses Chromium directly as its engine, which is a LOT of browsers) [19:44:03] [discord] It is not so much that they are straight up banning those extensions, but rather they are going to remove features from the API that makes them more or less impossible to work at least as well as they do currently (which is a LOT worse than just banning them actually, as it means it will affect any browser that just uses Chromium directly as its engine, which is a LOT of browsers) (edited) [19:44:47] [discord] And it is all done in the name of "safety" or so they claim at least 😉 [19:45:27] [discord] of course lol [22:57:57] [discord] does firefox even have forks? [22:58:12] [discord] the only ones I know are Waterfox and Pale Moon [22:58:28] [discord] (and pale moon is almost unusable)