[11:37:36] [discord] Did everyone catch the new Super Mario Bros Movie on Thursday? [12:06:19] [discord] Yep [17:30:01] [discord] https://twitter.com/octopusenergy/status/1578656083064676353?s=46&t=UnDtZxunTgL0n0oCobvZqA [17:30:02] [Twitter] Octopus Energy (@OctopusEnergy): “Instead of cutting off whole chunks of the country if we are short of gas, we can reward people for using less energy at times of peak demand.” ⏎ ⏎ Get ready for Saving Sessions ⚡️💸 ⏎ More details coming soon. ⏎ https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/british-energy-supplier-octopus-pay-customers-save-power-this-winter-2022-10-07/ | 124 RTs | 915 ♥s | Posted: 2022-10- [17:30:04] [discord] :tbhthink: [17:30:21] [discord] I mean this is necessary now but this is just an absolute failure for the last 12 years of the tories [17:31:58] [discord] Labour approved a nuclear power plant before they were forced from power but the tories made sure it wasn’t built and kept flagging about. Not only that they cut our gas storage in half, making sure prices increased and black outs likely [17:34:09] [discord] its out now? [17:38:06] [discord] Salva tu ex infernus? [17:39:17] [discord] Salvo tu ex infernus? (edited) [17:40:47] [discord] Salvo tu ex infernus? (edited) [20:10:01] [discord] @paladox tbh, a new nuclear power plant itself wouldn't have necessarily helped in the current climate. A lot more investment in renewables is needed. And saying that, even now blackouts are not at a higher level than last winter - it's just easier now to hype it up given the current climate with Russian gas supplies as a way to motivate change than complacency [20:10:55] [discord] Well both are needed tbh [20:11:11] [discord] It’s funny what the Lib Dem’s leader said during the coalition [20:11:38] [discord] “It’ll have taken 10 years…” we’re 10 years later and one would have been optional by now! [20:11:53] [discord] We’ve got to stop it with short term and start doing long term [20:12:52] [discord] For sure, a lot of the energy market de-regulation that would help with energy prices is being pushed back as it's not a short term solution [20:13:30] [discord] Energy market de-regulation? [20:13:42] [discord] That surely would exacerbate this [20:14:21] [discord] Howso? Currently all electricity prices are regulated to follow the trend of gas prices due to gas-powered generation [20:14:48] [discord] With de-regulation, renewable energy would no longer be sold at the same level as gas-generated electricity [20:15:57] [discord] Change the regulations, that doesn’t sound like deregulation tho [20:16:21] [discord] To me that sounds like adapting with the times [20:16:27] [discord] There wouldn't be a change in regulation, it would be removing those regulations that require it in energy pricing [20:16:48] [discord] If you specify deregulation then that’s gonna go down wrongly with the public [20:16:56] [discord] See how I took it. [20:17:15] [discord] Though the problem is, it is indeed de-regulation [20:20:00] [discord] The regulations were introduced to prevent fossil fuel generated electricity being undercut by renewables [20:20:25] [discord] When was that introduced [20:22:34] [discord] They were introduced as part of wider energy market reforms in 2013 [20:31:21] [discord] Also there is the Carbon Floor Price that was EU policy which was designed to encourage investment in low carbon producing generation while not penalising existing carbon-heavy generators like gas, coal or oil