[03:28:48] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> I scored full marks,in today's swim test, [05:58:30] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> The banners of protests in Beijing on Thursday lacked a horizontal stroke of the word "革" [05:58:51] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> it is the first character of revolution in Chinese [05:59:12] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> I don't believe this is a Chinese banner [05:59:27] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> Such a low-level mistake [18:26:20] [discord] Hi [21:08:54] [discord] Tried DKCR again today [21:08:57] [discord] Fun game!