[11:34:52] [discord] html help needed [11:34:53] [discord] there are prev/next buttons on a tumblr blog [11:34:54] [discord] on first page prev should not appear however it leaves this empty square [11:34:55] [discord] what's weird is when editing blog's html button doesn't show up in preview, like it should [11:34:57] [discord] any idea what it might miss? [11:34:58] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1031530735322017862/IMG_20221017_143044.jpg [14:30:31] [discord] In a tumblr blog? That's offtopic, yes. I don't know blog [14:42:48] [discord] tumblr is a blog platform [14:43:22] [discord] people can change appearance of blogs w/ available themes or their own html/css [17:40:52] [discord] i have stopped using tumblr since the purge of a few years ago [17:41:14] [discord] ~~and also because now I knoww web development and can make a blog on my own~~ [17:48:08] [discord] You do good work Lake [19:58:15] [discord] I deleted only art tumblr, and left the main, couldn't delete 7 y/o blog lol [20:00:04] [discord] and pretty much got back this spring, it's pretty chill now, and they fixed tag system ~~also nsfw still could and can be found avoiding blocks lol~~ [20:00:35] [discord] and porn bots, always there lmao [20:01:26] [discord] I don't know what I would do with a Tumblr [20:02:02] [discord] now they implemented a spoiler like feature like on twi shich can be tweaked in settings + strict age control