[01:27:17] [discord] Yeah, that's exactly what I'm trying to avoid. It's a sheet which can't really have manual input. Basically what I'm doing is splitting names to create a unique pair of initials (John Doe becomes JD and Jane Doe becomes like AD), which should never change once assigned [01:30:12] [discord] you can probably do it through this [01:30:13] [discord] @Jessica That link is not allowed. [01:30:13] [url] Extending Google Sheets | Apps Script | Google Developers | developers.google.com [01:38:58] [discord] Wow, that is now getting into wild stuff I don't know how to get GSheets to do natively, I'm more familiar w/ excel VBA scripting for this flavor of weirdness without a proper database. [01:39:11] [discord] Something that came up in my googling that might give you a lead... [01:39:12] [discord] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56514985/how-to-make-google-sheet-formula-just-calculate-once [01:39:12] [url] keyboard shortcuts - How to make google sheet formula just calculate once? - Stack Overflow | stackoverflow.com