[05:36:42] hello? [05:37:49] hello? [05:37:51] Hello? [05:38:04] anyone here? [05:38:43] [discord] Yes? [10:52:49] [discord] Hello Memers! [10:57:36] [discord] Wanna see a magic trick🪄 [11:00:03] [discord] ඞ [12:06:54] [discord] Who here has watched Tabaluga? [12:07:39] [discord] ඞා [14:51:12] [discord] Amongus [14:53:14] [discord] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1009865063580061788/1044259968234303538/image0.gif [14:53:14] [discord] @Ritten That link is not allowed. [14:53:17] [discord] Oof [14:54:09] [discord] Surprised the meme is still alive (edited) [20:50:49] [discord] hi Guys, can i ask u? Where i can find item database? From web site i was redirected here to discord [20:52:49] [discord] Sorry to say this is not the place you'll be able to find that information. This is a chat channel for the wikihost Miraheze, which hosts 5.5k wikis on a wide range of topics, unfortunately this isn't specific to the topic of the wiki you were trying to reach. [20:52:50] [discord] [20:52:51] [discord] I recommend searching on https://web.archive.org/ to see if you can find a backup copy of the page you were looking for, wishing you luck in finding what you need! [20:52:52] [url] Wayback Machine | web.archive.org [20:53:27] [discord] Sorry to say this is not the place you'll be able to find that information. This is a chat channel for the wikihost Miraheze, which hosts 5.5k wikis on a wide range of topics, unfortunately this chat isn't specific to the topic of the wiki you were trying to reach. [20:53:28] [discord] [20:53:29] [discord] I recommend searching on https://web.archive.org/ to see if you can find a backup copy of the page you were looking for, wishing you luck in finding what you need! (edited) [20:53:30] [url] Wayback Machine | web.archive.org