[17:50:30] [discord] What a way to start off my day with me testing positive for COVID-19. [17:54:37] [discord] get well soon [18:26:29] [discord] I will. I've been in quarantine since Thursday, especially since my mother tested positive for it on that same day. [18:39:04] [discord] Oh yikes, wishing you speedy recovery. I've had it a couple times now, never a fun time. [18:46:38] [discord] Get well soon [18:46:47] [discord] Somehow I keep not testing positive [18:47:11] [discord] I've had covid like symptoms twice now and neither time actually tested positive [18:51:25] [discord] tbf, a lot of the covid symptoms are the same as for an normal Influenza as etc as well [18:52:38] [discord] I've been in quarantine since Thursday. [19:01:55] [discord] Took me 5 days on the most recent omicron bout to test positive, then 7 days to stop testing positive. Big mess. [19:44:14] [discord] 😦 [19:44:28] [discord] I think I'd have lost my mind [19:44:37] [discord] Trueish