[11:25:58] [discord] super random, but does anyone know why the kuwaiti dinar is such a strong currency? [11:30:14] [discord] oil and efficient management of it [11:31:14] [discord] Russia is full of oil and gas but corrupt gov constantly fucks up economy and other fields thus it means no shit [11:31:30] [discord] Russia is full of oil and gas but corrupt gov constantly fucks up economy and does other dumb shit thus it means no shit (edited) [11:31:41] [discord] Russia is full of oil and gas but corrupt gov constantly fucks up economy and does other dumb shit thus ruble means nothing (edited) [11:32:17] [discord] Russia is full of oil and gas but greedy corrupt gov constantly fucks up economy and does other dumb shit thus ruble means nothing (edited) [11:33:45] [discord] crazy bcs i don't think i ever hear anything about kuwait where i live [11:33:57] [discord] gray eminence [11:34:36] [discord] ever heard of Caucasus? [11:34:55] [discord] as in the area connecting europe and asia? yea [11:35:10] [discord] by the Black sea [11:36:33] [discord] pretty often I seen people from US not knowing about it and being surprised about existence of (country) Georgia [11:37:57] [discord] thank God i'm not from the US [11:38:09] [discord] i actually knew a georgian guy, he studied at my university [11:39:23] [discord] but from that area in particular you rarely hear anything from kuwait in the news etc [11:39:29] [discord] usually it's sth about iran or iraq [11:39:55] [discord] or Emirates [11:40:04] [discord] true [11:45:11] [discord] youd think that US dollar would be the strongest currency but i guess it's not that simple [11:54:01] [discord] I always knew than British pound is stronger, but I guess it's all about influence [11:54:11] [discord] I always knew that British pound is stronger, but I guess it's all about influence (edited) [11:57:02] [discord] at one point in my life I let myself to buy collectible (mostly because nobody has ripped it online lol), all coming from UK, and it turned out to cost so fucking much overall, I lowkey felt bad about it all lol [11:57:16] [discord] at one point in my life I let myself to buy collectible/rare stuff (mostly because nobody has ripped it online lol), all coming from UK, and it turned out to cost so fucking much overall, I lowkey felt bad about it all lol (edited) [11:57:33] [discord] over 230 euro at least [11:58:03] [discord] including postage costs ofc [11:58:20] [discord] over 250 euro at least (edited) [12:01:41] [discord] but the last time I got scammed, pretty much [12:08:16] [discord] bought a very rare DVD which is usually sold online for 90-100$ [12:08:16] [discord] what I found was for 50£ [12:08:17] [discord] the thing I asked my friend in UK to receive the stuff and later send me in a big box, because most of sellers wouldn't ship abroad, and it took around the year to finally get it in my hands, due to various reasons [12:08:18] [discord] so - the disk turned out to be a mispress, a production fault [12:08:20] [discord] needless to say I felt devastated, if I knew about this case I'd ask the seller to prove it's ok, now I don't even know what to do w/ it [12:09:12] [discord] bought a very rare DVD which is usually sold online for 90-100$ [12:09:12] [discord] what I found was for 50£ [12:09:13] [discord] the thing is - I had to ask my friend in UK to receive the stuff on their address, so later they would send me everything in a big box, because most of sellers wouldn't ship abroad [12:09:14] [discord] this took around the year to finally get to in my hands, due to various reasons [12:09:16] [discord] so - the disk turned out to be a mispress, a production fault [12:09:17] [discord] needless to say I felt devastated, if I knew about this case I'd ask the seller to prove it's ok, now I don't even know what to do w/ it (edited) [12:10:14] [discord] bought a very rare DVD which is usually sold online for 90-100$ [12:10:15] [discord] what I found was for 50£ [12:10:17] [discord] the thing is - I had to ask my friend in UK to receive the stuff on their address, so later they would send me everything in a big box, because most of sellers wouldn't ship abroad [12:10:18] [discord] this took around a year to finally get to my hands, due to various reasons [12:10:19] [discord] so - the disk turned out to be a mispress, a production fault [12:10:21] [discord] needless to say I felt devastated, if I knew about this case I'd ask the seller to prove it's ok, now I don't even know what to do w/ it (edited) [12:10:39] [discord] bought a very rare DVD which is usually sold online for 90-100$ [12:10:40] [discord] what I found was for 50£ [12:10:41] [discord] the thing is - I had to ask my friend in UK to receive the stuff on their address, so later they would send me everything in a big box, because most of sellers wouldn't ship abroad [12:10:43] [discord] this took around a year to finally get to my hands, due to various reasons [12:10:44] [discord] so - the disk turned out to be a mispress, a production fault w/ some copies [12:10:45] [discord] needless to say I felt devastated, if I knew about this case I'd ask the seller to prove it's ok, now I don't even know what to do w/ it (edited) [12:24:59] [discord] 😭 this is so bad [12:30:19] [discord] We have our own forms of corruption/mismanagement + incentives to keep relative ratios to other currencies. [12:30:19] [discord] [12:30:21] [discord] Strength of USD is a whole thing. [12:39:44] [discord] The euro is quite interesting as a currency as 20 years ago it wasn't even a thing [12:40:49] [discord] and fun fact that I recently learned is that even though Montenegro isn't in the EU at all it decided it'll use the euro unilaterally and does every since [12:42:10] [discord] Poland is in the EU but consistently refuses to implement Euro as well [12:42:16] [discord] Poland is in the EU but consistently refuses to implement Euro on the other hand (edited) [13:03:04] [discord] Since when are the EU policies actually enforced in all EU states properly (no political engagement incentive) [13:03:50] [discord] usd is a default reserve currency, but that doesn't mean it's really a good one [13:06:21] [discord] i dont think its mandatory to adopt euro once you join eu [13:06:38] [discord] i think UK still used pound even if they were still in the eu before brexit [13:07:16] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1054022035237511259/image0.jpg [13:07:32] [discord] Lol, you can't even share mastodon links on Twitter anymore apparently [13:07:56] [discord] It is but UK had an opt out agreement when they did [13:08:06] [discord] totally malware obviously [13:08:22] [discord] Label your competitors malware and you're all good! [13:08:29] [discord] I can tell you MEGA links never worked in Twitter too [13:08:31] [discord] I think my main reserve drive is failing, so that's nice [13:09:02] [discord] It is but UK had an opt out agreement when they did. But yeah in practice countries can just not adhere to the standards and not join (edited) [13:10:52] [discord] I wonder if Miraheze should further develop our mastodon [13:11:16] [discord] MacFan created an account for us but is so far unused [13:12:46] [discord] I don't quite like the way Twitter is now ruled by a single person and that's definitely against Miraheze's values [13:14:12] [discord] Yeah, not a fan of how things are going there either. [13:14:13] [discord] The only reason I even made an account this year was because I got annoyed by how I wasn't allowed to read comments on AI-generated *Yu-Gi-Oh!* cards, haha… [13:16:01] [discord] Per discussion from other day, I'm still not 100% sold on Mastodon, continuing to look at other options though I suppose it's also a matter of whatever platform reaches critical mass. [13:16:46] [discord] I'll probably pull a wild guess but - tumblr [13:16:46] [discord] it's considered to be a "place for many fandoms" and the dislike of FANDOM the wiki platform is quite visible but people aren't aware of alternatives [13:17:27] [discord] and I must admit - the site has become more stable than it was in 2018, the tagging system is finally *good* [13:17:30] [discord] Oh, I guess I missed that? But yeah, ideally we'd have a platform with a reach like Twitter [13:17:33] [discord] They've also been around for ages and have reasonable security, compared to other newcomers. There's a case to be made for it regaining a second life [13:18:42] [discord] and I must admit - the site has become more stable than it was in 2018, the tagging system at least is finally *good* (edited) [13:18:47] [discord] Hive Social has just a gnarly mess of security issues. Not touching that one. [13:19:22] [discord] Hive is suspicious [13:19:25] [discord] Recap for Reception123's behalf from yesterday: [13:19:25] [discord] [13:19:26] [discord] RE: Mastodon, not inherently bad, exactly, but the federated model leaves a lot to be desired. I'm still early in my exploration, but my early findings follow. Tale everything after this with a grain of salt, I'm no SwiftOnSecurity. [13:19:28] [discord] [13:19:29] [discord] -Security is basically up to the individual instance to set up + enforce. Given the distributed model, visiting the wrong server instance could theoretically leave you wide open to exploits even if your home instance is well-secured [13:19:30] [discord] [13:19:32] [discord] -Instances essentially operate at the host's will + ability to fund the hardware to keep it up and running. If your instance goes offline, you're essentially wiped as far as your trust/presence are concerned on other servers. [13:19:33] [discord] [13:19:34] [discord] -Given the structure, it's incredibly easy to set up new instances to brew up more extremist BS and start recruiting on instances you've already been banned from. Good for extremists, bad for everyone else who doesn't want to hear badly-written political screeds and hate speech. [13:19:35] [discord] [13:19:37] [discord] Or to summarize more succintly: Good > there is no global authority, Bad > there is no global authority. [13:19:38] [discord] I'm not really sure what comes next, but Twitter seems to no longer be it. [13:20:21] [discord] *hello* [13:21:00] [discord] Fair enough. We already have too few volunteers, we can't handle ever more moderation [13:21:19] [discord] Yeah, hive was getting weirds amount of seemingly artificial hype all at once and seemed to be backed by some weird cypto-fiends. I seem to recall that they got caught harvesting user data without disclosure even harder than Facebook. [13:22:05] [discord] Ah, welp... yep. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2022/12/hive-social-turns-off-servers-after-researchers-warn-hackers-can-access-all-data/ [13:22:05] [url] Hive Social turns off servers after researchers warn hackers can access all data | Ars Technica | arstechnica.com [13:23:03] [discord] I think as far as Miraheze is concerned we'll probably stay on Twitter unless things get bad or there's a good alternative [13:30:29] [discord] I mean tumblr [13:30:50] [discord] ^ [14:22:49] [discord] mastadon is not really relevant yet and miraheze is in little position to be an 'advocate' and try to make it so [14:23:16] [discord] twitter is not an avenue, it is merely a tool; as long as it works for that purpose that is the only reason we are there, while mastadon is a neat trick but not a useful tool for what we'd use socials for [16:22:02] [discord] Tumblr is where the fandoms are at and while the "no chronology for you" is STILL grinding my gears, now the tags, y'know, actually work and I get recommended stuff that's related [16:24:54] [discord] So i'd say it's worth a shot for Miraheze to make an account there and self-promote now and then, given you can't go on Tumblr without hitting ten fandoms in random tags [16:25:53] [discord] (and even the OTW (the guys behind Archive of Our Own) has a Tumblr for status updates) [16:46:09] [discord] wdym "no chronology"? [17:50:28] [discord] Sequencing of posts by post date. Twitter is equally bad at this unless you uncheck a hidden option in preferences. [18:17:58] [discord] yeah but Tumblr always was and is chronological (I hang there since 2011), they did implemented algorithms recently tho but they can be turned off entirely in settings [18:18:39] [discord] they slowly implement stuff which was initially done w/ x-kit addon [18:19:20] [discord] yeah that I hated always [18:19:21] [discord] butwe talk about Tumblr? it always was and is chronological (I hang there since 2011), they did implemented algorithms recently tho but they can be turned off entirely in settings (edited) [19:17:09] [discord] i want a similar website to twitter to come along tbh [19:17:26] [discord] i want to stop using twitter but journalists i follow aren't on mastodon [19:17:48] [discord] yeah that I hated always [19:17:48] [discord] but we talk about Tumblr? it always was and is chronological (I hang there since 2011), they did implemented algorithms recently tho but they can be turned off entirely in settings (edited) [19:18:11] [discord] Yeah. Post is looking the most promising for that use case, but like all the others, still TBD. [19:18:52] [discord] At least they seem to be taking the fundamentals seriously and are trying to avoid a Hive Social style meltdown. [19:24:35] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1054116990836551780/FkR0FYaXkAULNAf.png [19:24:46] [discord] the fuck [19:24:52] [discord] wouldn't miraherze fall foul of this. [19:24:59] [discord] :BanCatMH: [19:25:18] [discord] 1984 [19:25:27] [discord] rip tumblr twitter [19:25:29] [discord] post? [19:26:24] [discord] Sounds like Twitter is fueling the competition [19:44:04] [discord] https://post.news/ [19:44:04] [url] Home / Post. | post.news [19:44:24] [discord] oh i think i've heard of it [19:44:33] [discord] It's got some stuff I'm not so crazy about, like posts of unlimited length. At least it does the courtesy of collapsing them above a certain line count. [19:45:13] [discord] But a number of journalists are hitching their hopes to that particular proverbial wagon. [20:03:18] [discord] They removed search by most recent (even in tags) a WHILE ago, so you can't see anything except your timeline by newest to oldest. It caused a lot of waves in Art Tumblr because that made it a LOT harder to see new art vs what's trending or getting reblogged by your mutuals and common interest artists. Must have happened in around 2018ish or around then. [20:05:30] [discord] I remember something like that, I always preferred /tagged/ over /search, but there's recent tab now 🤔 [20:05:51] [discord] I remember something like that, I always preferred /tagged/ over /search, but there's recent tab now? versus popular 🤔 (edited) [20:07:54] [discord] oh, they even got post type filter in /search now (third button) [20:07:54] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1054127889899061278/IMG_20221218_230703.jpg [20:18:00] [discord] The problem: My post results on "recent", in order, by default (without setting it to full-width, which makes less of it fit at once and is more tedious) [20:18:01] [discord] - dec. 15, 6:31pm [20:18:02] [discord] - dec. 15, 6:01pm [20:18:04] [discord] - dec. 12, 7:32pm [20:18:05] [discord] - dec. 15, 2:01pm [20:18:06] [discord] - dec. 11, 7:31pm [20:18:08] [discord] - dec. 13, 11:13am [20:18:09] [discord] - dec. 11, 12:31pm [20:19:32] [discord] It's *vaguely* in chronological order by most recent, but it's annoying enough because the more you scroll on thumbnail view, the less chronological it gets because of the weird way they line up the cards [20:23:09] [discord] My choice is basically "small thumbnails as ordered by my ADHD squirrels when distracted and stressed" or "full-size vertical carousel" [20:26:02] [discord] It's mostly me nitpicking and complaining they changed it now it sucks but at least they put the option back in *sort of* [20:34:57] [discord] https://www.rfi.fr/en/business-and-tech/20221218-twitter-to-ban-users-from-promoting-rival-social-platforms [20:34:58] [url] Twitter to ban users from promoting rival social platforms | www.rfi.fr [20:34:59] [discord] Lol what?! [20:35:02] [discord] they're going too far now [20:37:19] [discord] at least Miraheze is too small for them to classify us as a 'social platform' [20:39:52] [discord] does that mean account of platforms or any links? and will they remove all the old links and sync posting etc [20:40:06] [discord] Is Twitter really so scared that people will go away that it's banning that? Imagine Miraheze locking anyone who mentions the word 'Fandom' [20:40:21] [discord] My understanding is saying: "Hey follow me on Facebook at @x" counts [20:40:28] [discord] I doubt they'll remove old links but probably anything new [20:40:53] [discord] Musk is just an idiot, idk what kind of excuses his fans can pull out now [20:41:18] [discord] i'm not sure about post tbh [20:41:30] [discord] it's content seems to be different even tho it's UI is similar to twitter [20:41:48] [discord] Yeah I don't know but he seems very hypocritical [20:42:02] [discord] He always claims to love free speech but when it's against him he suddenly doesn't care anymore [20:42:09] [discord] Journalists who criticise him - banned [20:42:23] [discord] Links to rival platforms - banned [20:42:25] [discord] What's next? [20:43:59] [discord] But it is a "smart" move because that does make moving away harder [20:44:20] [discord] Though I'm sure the Internet will find loopholes like "hey follow me on that network owned by Zuckerberg" [20:45:33] [discord] I wonder if there's gonna be like uh [20:45:33] [discord] w/ journos bans EU issued something like he *actually* threatens freedom of speech [20:45:35] [discord] can this rival platforms ban be viewed as treat to concurrency? idk how to word this properly [20:46:39] [discord] Yeah, they're afraid of the competition clearly but this will just make it worse IMO [20:47:10] [discord] They can't take their users "hostage" [20:51:24] [discord] I wonder if there's gonna be like uh [20:51:24] [discord] w/ journos bans EU issued something like he *actually* threatens freedom of speech [20:51:26] [discord] can this rival platforms ban be viewed as treat to concurrency by higher, gov instances? idk how to word this properly (edited) [20:53:50] [discord] Yeah, there's been a huge shift in user account deactivations since all this banning journos nonsense [20:53:59] [discord] Let me see if I can dredge up that chart [20:55:42] [discord] I deleted my personal and art accounts :pupCoffeeMH: [20:56:21] [discord] left only wiki one [20:56:22] [discord] if this ban goes as far as on banning any site then bye-bye for real [20:56:35] [discord] Ugh, can't find it now but it's picked up pace, my vague recall is that it's up 40x YoY for November. [20:56:53] [discord] Some crazy multiple that was eye-bulging when I read it. [20:57:02] [discord] """""Libertarian""""" [20:58:19] [discord] When people started making "Musk wants to lead a Maoist police state" memes I didn't think he'd make prove them right this fast 😆 [21:00:14] [discord] > The US Federal Trade Commission said it was tracking developments at Twitter "with deep concern." [21:00:15] [discord] ah that what I meant [21:01:27] [discord] anyway, good night for now 💤 [21:17:58] [discord] I don't think they have any actual power though [21:27:55] [discord] FTC has some teeth left unlike many of our enforcement divisions, but Musk + twitter have the dollars to fight any levied fines basically indefinitely [21:28:06] [discord] So... we'll see. [22:13:41] [discord] @Reception123 it's exactly what freenode does [22:13:48] [discord] And any dictatorship does [22:14:02] [discord] You get so bad that you have to threaten people not to leave