[02:46:29] [discord] Hahaha, speaking of despot aspirants and morally dubious corporation, I just found Amazon's "Community Impact Report" they send to all of us who live in the area. [02:46:37] [discord] It's some truly peak propaganda. [02:50:21] [discord] ah, amazon [02:50:32] [discord] I've been good about avoiding them [02:50:48] [discord] Link to the online edition if you want a good laugh at the reputation-laundering effort: [02:50:49] [discord] https://assets.aboutamazon.com/49/3f/3b3323574db3af860813ff0a3066/amazon-community-impact-report-puget-sound.pdf [02:50:50] [discord] [02:50:51] [discord] Context for those less-familiar: [02:50:53] [discord] [02:50:54] [discord] -Amazon is an incredibly ruthless company local to my region who has questionable employment and competition practices at best [02:50:55] [discord] -They are also a heavy contributor to a number of affordability problems in our region [02:50:57] [discord] -This pamphlet phrases all their supposed goods in the cleanest possible light, but with local context is laughable. [02:51:30] [discord] ah, puget sound [02:51:35] [discord] haven't seen that name in some time :p [02:54:10] [discord] The 19/hr starting average wage is a great case in point... [02:54:10] [discord] [02:54:12] [discord] -they weighted only for those in the seattle core and included engineers to lift the average [02:54:13] [discord] -Even if it was accurate, 19 is an absolute joke of a wage compared to living cost in the area [02:54:14] [discord] -It's also not *actually* hourly, many are forced onto salaried contracts and work unpaid overtime [02:54:15] [discord] -given all of the above, many of their warehouse workers are making less than municipal minimum [02:55:39] [discord] But enough grandstanding out of me, back to sorting through mail for shredding. 🙂 [02:58:14] [discord] @raidarr I seem to recall you used to live around these parts at some point? [02:58:21] [discord] indeed [02:59:07] [discord] That's why I support small mom & pop businesses [02:59:10] [discord] like Walmart [02:59:19] [discord] 🙃 [02:59:40] [discord] There's really few small businesses near me unfortunately [02:59:57] [discord] most shops are owned by a multimillion dollar company [03:00:08] [discord] just the joys of living in an urban area [03:01:32] [discord] Mhmm. We're far enough from city core that there's still some options, but few that aren't part of larger chains. [03:02:04] [discord] walmart is now my resident, more or less necessary evil [03:02:08] [discord] Still a few Friendly Local Game and Hobby Shops that we're doing our part to keep 'em going at least. [03:02:21] [discord] there is a good handful of businesses right in town here at least [03:09:31] [discord] That's good. Thankfully most of our local restaurants stayed afloat through pandemic, though we did lose some good ones. [03:09:32] [discord] [03:09:33] [discord] I will miss the very good Irish bistro and the absolutely killer Carolina BBQ joints that went under. 😭 [06:42:28] [discord] heh back to the Twitter discussion, this is interesting! [06:42:30] [discord] https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1604617643973124097 [06:42:30] [Twitter] Elon Musk (@elonmusk): Should I step down as head of Twitter? I will abide by the results of this poll. | 189496 RTs | 284638 ♥s | Posted: 2022-12-18 - 23:20:33UTC [06:54:57] [discord] just in just couple of months the amount of shit he done to twitter is equal to what took Yahoo several years w/ tumblr lmao [06:54:58] [discord] and he thinks he can get away w/ it easily? [06:55:23] [discord] shit he done to twitter in just couple of months is equal to what took Yahoo several years w/ tumblr lmao [06:55:23] [discord] and he thinks he can get away w/ it easily? (edited) [06:55:38] [discord] the amount of shit he done to twitter in just couple of months is equal to what took Yahoo several years w/ tumblr lmao [06:55:39] [discord] and he thinks he can get away w/ it easily? (edited) [08:15:52] [discord] it seems like I'm hitting some kind of cap w/ indexed pages after which the amount always drops down, annoying to see tbh [08:15:53] [discord] it was 112 about a week ago, previous highest amount was 110, now since yesterday it's 108 [08:15:54] [discord] and I get fair clicks to new pages corresponding to new trends/queries [08:15:55] [discord] *what google wants from?* [08:16:18] [discord] it seems like I'm hitting some kind of cap w/ indexed pages after which the amount always drops down, annoying to see tbh [08:16:19] [discord] it was 112 about a week ago, previous highest amount was 110, now since yesterday it's 108 [08:16:20] [discord] and I get fair clicks to new pages corresponding to new trends/queries [08:16:21] [discord] *what google does want from me?* (edited) [09:08:46] [discord] I got so bored waiting for c6 to get back online that I mostly finished my website's design and css, why can't I be this productive when the thing I want to work on is ready to be worked on [09:08:59] [discord] (a shot of said site) [09:09:00] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1054324457658912788/image.png [09:10:07] [discord] of course now I remembered that I need to whip up a placeholder background for my wiki until I actually draw the real thing [11:39:46] [discord] this is most likely elon having a backroom deal and he probably saw the writing on the wall, so he'll be passing it on to another evil and calling it democracy [11:48:05] [discord] POLANDBALL [11:48:38] [discord] wat [11:51:02] [discord] yes yes, was on db141 [12:02:24] [discord] that's certainly not going to help 141's image despite it being a completely different server now [12:26:42] [discord] Yeah Tesla shareholders are probably displeased so he decided to return there and used the poll as a rubber stamp, as he does [12:26:59] [discord] I don't think there's been any poll he's made where he hasn't already pretty much known the result [12:27:14] [discord] he was doing okay on that end at least so maybe things would be okayish if he just spent time on the things he's "good" at [12:27:40] [discord] though I've seen enough to be highly skeptical of any endeavour, not least of which his claims of actually founding it or having personally started any worthwhile venture [12:28:11] [discord] from what I can tell his mastery is swooping into a good idea, dominating it and becoming a big man off it's innovative premise that would have likely succeeded without him or with a more mainstream bureaucrat [12:28:43] [discord] Yeah I think he should stick to Tesla and SpaceX. Twitter is clearly not something he's good at [12:29:09] [discord] And it's just not right for a single person to be running it and changing policies to their will [12:29:16] [discord] I have that impression of his tesla dealings, which were founded by others that have since been kicked out, and the claims of cofounding paypal, which appear to have been the subject of a weird merger early in paypal's years in which elon contributed rather little [12:29:30] [discord] I haven't looked into spacex enough to say if that trend holds there [12:30:01] [discord] although a lot of both tesla and spacex even today appears to largely consist of boisterous promises and downplaying reports of cars that literally set themselves on fire [12:30:22] [discord] Yeah, though tbf they are very difficult endeavours [12:30:24] [discord] meanwhile elon has a substantial camp at twitter that fervently believes he is the most important thing it ever had for 'free speech' [12:30:47] [discord] Oh it's not easy, but I do think most of that work is probably on the people worked straight to the bone in every position below chief twit [12:32:52] [discord] Yeah I think he made the whole Twitter thing too political [12:33:11] [discord] his idea of liberating it with free speech is to essentially push the political pendulum to the other side [12:33:21] [discord] it's funny for five minutes and then it's just rampant hypocricy [12:34:32] [discord] not to speak of the fact that a lot of the relative stability twitter for all its problems was known for was completely annihilated by elon's hasty decisions [12:35:12] [discord] Yeah... though what he very much ignores is that EU countries have a very different approach to free speech as the US [12:35:22] [discord] And a large part of Twitter users are those countries [12:35:26] [discord] it is worse by the day for any entity to depend on, regardless of the fact he's cost companies millions in losses with his decision making (though, I'm not saying that's a bad thing especially for the insulin rakes) [12:35:41] [discord] Actually even non EU countries I'm sure have way more limits on free speech than the US [12:36:15] [discord] the thing about twitter is that it often got itself in hot water drawing the line much closer to freedom than a lot of countries would allow [12:36:24] [discord] twitter has gotten in trouble in the middle east, india etc [12:36:28] [discord] But yes also the fact that when it's against him, it's different and no longer free speech [12:36:38] [discord] yes, that's just the army of spam and bots [12:37:01] [discord] a claim which is parroted with sincerity by supporters in messages that resemble, well, bots on any exchange they're involved in [12:38:08] [discord] pretty sure twitter also put quite a bit into fighting lawsuits that were designed to, well, damage free speech [12:38:46] [discord] they were far from perfect but they tended to have a better record on average than other large companies in their playing field which more consistently turned belly up and accepted whatever governments wanted [12:39:14] [discord] Yeah [12:39:27] [discord] Though I mean even if he steps down he'll clearly influence everything as it's his company [12:39:33] [discord] we go from the business stability issue to actual platform issues with people who did have an outlet on twitter to report on and discuss extremely serious issues in actual life and death situations that spoiled right wing extremists in the US could not possibly imagine [12:39:45] [discord] yeah, him stepping down is nothing, he'll just be a bird on the shoulder shall we say [12:39:47] [discord] His successor will have similar views but hopefully be more tactful about implementation and less extreme [12:40:05] [discord] Heh nice pun with the bird 😄 [12:40:22] [discord] I expect we'll go from the willy nilly arbitrariness of now to a more insidious, truth-social like management [12:40:55] [discord] presenting the image of freedom while subtly stifling it wherever it goes, resulting in the same issues complained about before on different political lines [12:41:03] [discord] and much, much more aggressive advertising and monetization [12:41:27] [discord] I don't see why there has to be a single head though, there should clearly be a council or something [12:41:39] [discord] That is what Musk initially promised, a council with people with differing views [12:42:54] [discord] the most successful businesses as far as I can tell are basically controlled by an oligarchy in c-suite tempered by shareholders; there's a pretty good record that big men trying to stand up far above that (elon, heck, bill gates and steve jobs) tend to flatten/curve down in efficiency long term when they hold themselves so far above the normal human when they are in fact human and need to be tempered by their as [12:43:27] [discord] however even with my comparisons I do think gates and jobs did tremendously better than musk ever could as far as being a guiding visionary [12:43:57] [discord] if twitter is administered by a small core of executives I imagine it will still do unpleasant things but at least appear more stable [12:44:46] [discord] and the council of differing views and community consensus: forget it, he's "making decisions" based on simple stupid majority polls that are open for 12 hours, you can see what kind of council that would make [12:44:56] [discord] Yeah what it needs to do is stop the arbitrary decisions that clearly seem to be personal [12:45:20] [discord] he's struggling to find the money in something that was always a bit more conceptual than a real money maker [12:45:21] [discord] Yeah, it's not like everyone follows him either [12:45:44] [discord] It's as if Miraheze held a poll on ATT and just hoped the community would get word of it and went to vote there in less than 24 hours [12:45:45] [discord] the result is going to be a withering death as he chases money and continues to lose what legitimacy twitter did have in public discourse and news delivery [12:46:16] [discord] imagine running fandom if whoever is the fandom ceo just put a poll on community central "should I stay guys" [12:47:06] [discord] we share some of the weaknesses but at least have the stability/checks and balances to be taken somewhat seriously [12:47:26] [discord] I don't think a lot of people would be taking fandom seriously if they just up and put a poll down like that [12:48:19] [discord] Yeah. I mean maybe I'm biased but our system at Miraheze seems way more legitimate than Musk's snap polls [12:48:29] [discord] And sudden changes to policy overnight [12:49:17] [discord] our system is based on the 'at least somewhat seasoned' community, mostly consisting of people you can look at and see what they do, with votes that are accountable/explained (however poorly at times I'll admit), taking the time they need for discussion to process and complete [12:50:29] [discord] a far cry from... how about we reference qualitipedia actually: the current 'leader' is unpopular, some bureaucrat makes a poll who becomes the new 'leader' (whatever that actually entailed in the first place), so four quasi-random popularish people are on the poll and some guy eeks out being the leader of 12 wikis that could barely see the poll by a handful of votes [12:51:07] [discord] qp actually makes good parallels with how twitter is being run right now, they share arbitrary administrative decisions and crippled staffing [12:51:16] [discord] qp actually makes good parallels with how twitter is being run right now, they share arbitrary administrative/policy decisions and crippled staffing (edited) [16:04:39] [discord] RE: SpaceX, it's mostly succeeded in spite of, not because of Elon. Much like Tesla, he's been more of a hindrance than any guiding force. [16:04:39] [discord] [16:04:40] [discord] Case-in-point, diverting SpaceX dollars towards Hyperloop which he personally admits he had no intent to follow through on, all to get an existing high speed rail plan sandbagged to protect his car business. [20:16:14] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1054492377533923398/FkWpFeIXEAAUZJC.png [20:16:15] [discord] 💪