[02:37:55] [discord] https://www.theverge.com/2022/12/22/23523322/lastpass-data-breach-cloud-encrypted-password-vault-hackers [02:37:56] [url] Hackers stole encrypted LastPass password vaults, and we’re just now hearing about it - The Verge | www.theverge.com [02:38:13] [discord] This LastPass fiasco keeps getting worser and worser [02:40:48] [discord] Well, crud. They're my go-to provider for that stuff. [02:41:08] [discord] Looks like I'll be changing a mess of passwords and weighing changing providers [02:42:08] [discord] Well, at least I get to feel less stupid for not using them after people recommended them several times over the years lol [02:45:19] [discord] Yikes. [02:58:48] [discord] This is why I let my Google overlords manage my passwords in Chrome \:P [02:59:15] [discord] Only thing I feel bad about is the fact that I use Authy which is owned by LastPass :waaa: [03:04:15] [discord] I have some empathy for them, they're using foundationally decent approaches, they just got royally owned by hackers and haven't done the best job of communicating that. [03:05:28] [discord] Oh yeah, the communication is definitely the 😦 in all this. But communication is hard especially when you need to centralize information as to what has happened generally being identified by different people [03:05:35] [discord] If that is really true I would suggest you try and download this https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/web_browser_password.html to see how easily passwords in your browser are accessible 😉 [03:05:36] [url] WebBrowserPassView - Recover lost passwords stored in your Web browser | www.nirsoft.net [03:07:46] [discord] Not to mention, there's potentially some pretty big legal ramifications of saying the wrong thing confidently [03:08:33] [discord] Still, it's a shame to see. I've been rooting for them for ages and a personal user of their products. [03:08:54] [discord] Still, it's a shame to see. I've been rooting for them for ages and am a personal user of their products. (edited) [03:37:50] [discord] Doing a quick survey of the competitors, not finding any quick winners for alternatives. [03:37:50] [discord] [03:37:52] [discord] Open to suggestions, key requirements: [03:37:53] [discord] [03:37:54] [discord] -(mostly) seamless use across devices [03:37:55] [discord] -strong security model for password encryption/storage on cloud [03:37:57] [discord] - ability to share passwords securely with others [03:37:58] [discord] -option for multi-user 'family' accounts is a plus. [03:38:03] [discord] Doing a quick survey of the competitors, not finding any quick winners for alternatives. [03:38:05] [discord] [03:38:06] [discord] Open to suggestions, key requirements: [03:38:07] [discord] [03:38:08] [discord] -(mostly) seamless use across devices [03:38:10] [discord] -strong security model for password encryption/storage on cloud [03:38:11] [discord] -ability to share passwords securely with others [03:38:12] [discord] -option for multi-user 'family' accounts is a plus. (edited) [03:39:53] [discord] The competition all seems to be missing at least one of the key features I care about [03:40:59] [discord] I use 1Password but I don't recall why I picked it at the time. [03:41:34] [discord] it's a bit damned if you damned if you don't with such tools; you are transferring control from yourself to a third party that is inherently a prime target for other people [03:42:06] [discord] I'd rather the occasional headache with my messy scheme than utilize a service that could lock me out if lost or be compromised and thus compromise everything [04:00:57] [discord] I'd rather not spill my blood and host an occult local instance in order to access my email without risk of hacki ng or having to remember my passwords. [04:01:29] [discord] Better consult the digi-druids. [04:01:42] [discord] home network ftw [04:01:51] [discord] with your own home intranet VPN [04:01:52] [discord] lol [04:02:11] [discord] I'd rather not spill my blood and host an occult local instance in order to access my email without risk of hacking or having to remember my passwords. (edited) [04:06:29] [discord] But... so laaaaazy. 😦 [04:06:51] [discord] Ah well, one of these days I'll get around to rolling my own. [04:07:36] [discord] I'm just gonna be getting around to setting up a local NAS this year... then I'll at least have an on-site backup 🙃 [04:07:49] [discord] Been lazy with that too as far as tech things to do [04:09:17] [discord] I mean, I could go to some trouble and go the whole ubiquiti route and set up hardware hardware... [04:09:47] [discord] Or I could plug in three pucks, have a mesh network and call it a day [04:10:05] [discord] Or I could plug in three router pucks, have a mesh network and call it a day (edited) [04:10:58] [discord] Lazy ends up winning, sadly. [04:11:05] [discord] Yeah. On one hand I have a small handful of generic passwords I use for stuff I don't care about losing that I swap depending on how asinine password requirements are. [04:11:06] [discord] On the other I have strong (or at least as much as platform will allow) unique passwords for stuff that's important. I think one of my emails has 5 haveibeenpwned entries by now but since it's all generic passwords it's nbd. [05:33:20] [discord] Before late October, I just let Firefox keep my passwords memorized. Bad idea seeing as my computer's hard drives failed and swallowed pretty much all the passwords I didn't have memorized, haha… [05:33:21] [discord] [05:33:22] [discord] So I kinda write 'em down somewhere and hide those where I know someone won't find it. [05:34:49] [discord] ouch... can you reset (are they associated with an email address)? [05:36:52] [discord] I've already reset the passwords for my accounts… for the sites that I remember. (The ones I don't remember, is gonna be a problem, haha.) [05:38:32] [discord] i hope you find the lost sites. if you save passwords to the browser again, you can go into settings and print the saved passwords. that will keep the site, username and password all together on same page. [05:42:19] [discord] if you use other browsers on other devices, like from your phone, might get lucky and come across the names of the other sites [05:43:11] [discord] or do a search in your email... look for a welcome email [05:46:13] [discord] … yeah, past me was stupid enough to delete most e-mails like that. T_T [05:55:28] [discord] it'll take time. i'm sure you'll find your way back [06:24:37] [discord] Assuming I don't get distracted. :p [11:47:11] [discord] worst case if you know there are lingerers, you could perhaps drop them completely/recreate and ensure your password setup is updated accordingly so any compromise on them is meaningless [16:17:38] [discord] Good luck to the US people out there, I hear the weather is going to be quite crazy during the Christmas period [16:20:59] [discord] -3 Fahrenheit today with 4in of snow 🙂 [17:12:51] [discord] the snow in my place melted right before christmas 😥 [17:16:06] [discord] same, we got 0 C [17:16:42] [discord] but cold wind later will turn everything into funny black ice land 🤪 [17:17:01] [discord] we got +7 C, after getting -11 C for a couple of days [17:17:23] [discord] i heard of a situation where one guy slipped on the sidewalk hit his head and died lol [17:17:26] [discord] do you get headaches w/ weather swings too? [17:17:56] [discord] only where the atmospheric pressure dances around [17:18:19] [discord] I hit my forehead after slipping on stairs when ai was 6 [17:18:32] [discord] I hit my forehead while slipping on stairs when I was 6 (edited) [17:18:40] [discord] i slipped on the floor in my house when i was like 1-2 years old and lost my consciousness [17:18:49] [discord] i slipped on the floor in my house when i was like 1-2 years old and lost consciousness (edited) [17:18:56] [discord] I hit my forehead while slipping on icy stairs when I was 6 (edited) [17:19:19] [discord] my mom thought im dead lmao [18:17:36] [discord] I've spent multiple days in theme parks when the weather was below negative, surely I'm insane [18:18:18] [discord] In fact, I'd probably be writing this message from the queue of a roller coaster if the park hadn't decided to close for winter this year [18:19:24] [discord] Sounds like a fun time to go [18:22:31] [discord] What's very fun is when the restraints get stuck closed and you're forced to go on it again \:P [18:26:41] [discord] Oh no, what a disaster! [18:26:46] [discord] /s [18:28:24] [discord] I've never been to a theme park before. [18:28:24] [discord] [18:28:26] [discord] Seems like it's gonna be cloudy or sunny here (coastal town in South Africa) tomorrow (around 22°C) though. Earlier the forecast was rain. [18:28:27] [discord] So. Like. Not sure which to believe, haha. [18:29:11] [discord] It's all fun and games until you're forced to ride the rollercoaster you very reluctantly got on 4 times on a row (been there, done that, not getting on one again unless I'm paid) [18:31:18] [discord] The coaster I got stuck on was a very rough wooden coaster from when my local theme park opened in then 70s 😬 [18:31:29] [discord] so you can imagine that it rattled and shook me like crazy [18:31:41] [discord] still a really fun coaster though, the airtime was nice [19:33:08] [discord] Used to love them, now I'm old enough to have neck pain on a single go-round. No more rollercoasters for me, sadly. *shrug* [19:39:20] [discord] when i was little my mom would never allow me to go to those crazy merry go rounds [19:39:26] [discord] im bitter to this day [19:41:12] [discord] my local park's merry-go-round is very unpredictable, some days it goes slow like a turtle, others it's going at least 50mph [19:44:18] [discord] always wanted to try one of these bad boys [19:44:18] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1055933889769639946/maxresdefault.png [19:44:19] [discord] if i die i die idc [19:47:38] [discord] I'm still terrified of those [19:47:49] [discord] what if you splat :thinkingcp: [19:48:48] [discord] id have a fun death at least [19:50:12] [discord] I generally distrust traveling fairs but if it's an established, well-known park with such a ride, maybe I'd be willing to play the roulette of fate 😆 [19:51:36] [discord] there is one not that far away from where i live but a while ago they were involved in a scandal about severe labor violations so id rather not put money into their pockets 🥲