[06:04:26] [discord] https://thetakeoffnap.com/faa-to-modernize-it-equipment-upgrade-to-windows-xp-following-massive-outage/ [06:04:27] [url] FAA to modernize IT equipment, upgrade to Windows XP following massive outage | thetakeoffnap.com [06:04:37] [discord] Honestly I wouldve believed it [06:20:09] [discord] lmaoo yea same [15:16:20] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> I think timeless is better than that [18:14:44] [discord] i like vector 2022 [18:14:49] [discord] idk why others hate it so much [18:52:16] [discord] Same [18:52:31] [discord] Only thing I don't like about it is the content-width being so small [18:52:48] [discord] but WMF is deploying a change in 1.40 where you can toggle what size you want