[01:50:19] [discord] i think that my plan for my wiki [01:50:37] [discord] is to focus on quality over quantity [01:50:51] [discord] i have a ton of articles and need to clean them up instead of rushing to make new ones every time something releases [01:50:56] [discord] should be a good idea 👍 [01:55:51] [discord] That's a great approach [02:02:57] [discord] ye [05:14:53] [discord] @Twisted sorry that it took so long, time for me to check what happened during fandom seo office hours [05:18:15] [discord] ok [05:18:25] [discord] appears you did look there too so good work lmao [07:06:45] [discord] oh yeah [07:06:47] [discord] lets hope fextralife.com [07:06:51] [discord] is bought by fandom [07:07:11] [discord] a site that manages to have more ads than fandom would probably get an upgrade from being bought by fandom [07:28:05] I was sad to hear Fandom bought a whole bunch of sites from CNET :( [07:28:15] Can't remember which ones [07:28:22] GiantBomb and Metacritic, I think [07:28:38] [discord] dmehus: they also canned a bunch of their employees too [07:28:46] Agent: oh :( [07:28:55] of course [07:29:12] No doubt Fandom has plans to deploy ChatGPT to build wikis [07:33:11] [discord] dmehus: we do too heh [07:33:18] [discord] to approve requests [07:33:58] lol we do? [07:34:12] or are you kidding again? Remember I'm gullible :p [07:34:33] [discord] heh no, I'm being serious, we want to eventually incorporate ChatGPT into RequestWiki [07:38:38] That would be nice. I mean, we actually had a pretty decent CreateWiki AI...the issue was it just consumed so many resources [07:38:48] but yeah, it would great [07:44:05] [discord] well it wouldn't be 'Chat' GPT it would just be the GPT software I think. Though the issue is you need a lot of data/storage for it so we'd have to see about that [07:45:03] [discord] Cost / Security / Performance -- all limiting decision-points [07:45:32] Why is it actually called 'Chat GPT' anyway? [07:45:42] The company that makes it is OpenAI [07:45:57] [discord] Not sure, it does much more than "Chat" [07:46:05] yeah [07:46:16] [discord] Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3 is what that stands for [07:46:17] CreateWiki AI is an awful model dmehus [07:46:24] [discord] back when it came out in December some of us had quite a bit of fun with it [07:46:38] [discord] I made it write a miraheze shanty [07:46:42] [discord] It wasn't good, but it did it [07:47:06] ChatGPT is fun to play with [07:47:28] [discord] heh, I remember when you (RhinosF1) made it write futuristic stories, they were scary [07:47:31] RhinosF1, it's no ChatGPT in terms of capability, by any stretch, but I think it was not bad for what the team was able to develop. It would've been fine for auto-approving wikis that scored 90% or higher [07:47:37] RhinosF1, true [07:47:56] Reception123, admittedly, I haven't played with it yet [07:47:57] dmehus: no it wasn’t [07:48:03] The analysis showed otherwise [07:48:10] but I heard GitHub now charges for their AI tool :( [07:48:14] It was confident at wikis that were easy declines [07:48:16] which has pissed off some developers [07:48:27] I had co-pilot when it was free [07:48:41] I think it’s on the education plan though [07:48:46] [discord] I made it GM a hypothetical tabletop scenario that was extremely off-book by any standard GM's guide, it actually did reasonably well. [07:48:51] I just can’t be bothered linking [07:48:51] oh yeah, maybe [07:48:57] [discord] yeah CoPilot is interesting too but you've got to pay [07:50:07] RhinosF1, yeah, it was hit-and-miss. I remember some iterations where the modeling on the high approval threshold was fine, but then the modeling changed and it approved things that should've been easy declines [07:50:42] Still, I was impressed with what we developed. It just wasn't ready to have its training wheels taken off [07:50:54] dmehus: the first model wasn’t too bad yes but the model with newer data got worse [07:51:02] But that’s because of how it was made [07:51:03] yep [07:51:22] The actual AI behind it was overly simplistic [07:52:13] [discord] The things ChatGPT is able to do with reasonable fluency are pretty neat, but anything with true improvisation is a pretty clear areas where the seams show. [07:52:13] [discord] [07:52:15] [discord] I'm interested to see what a scalable evolution of that which isn't frozen in time looks like. [07:52:34] Expensive [07:52:39] [discord] Very [07:52:40] The cost to train it is insane [07:53:05] [discord] I think GPT 4 and 4.5 will scare us [07:53:19] [discord] it just needs a few tweaks and even more data and I think it can get close [07:53:26] [discord] The real trick would be pulling off a cuttlefish/squid approach. [07:53:56] [discord] Where the arm-brains inform the main-brain which filters and attaches importance to inputs. [07:54:13] [discord] And let the dang thing feed and reinforce itself [07:54:37] [discord] MS attempted this with Tay, it didn't end well [07:54:41] [discord] I'm sure Microsoft will be giving it more funding [07:54:53] [discord] yeah, they definitely don't want to go back to that after that disaster [07:55:37] oh definitely [07:55:47] they'll buy OpenAI eventually I'm sure [07:55:58] I predicted they'll buy them for $29 billion [07:56:23] * dmehus wishes Microsoft would've bought Discord...maybe Teams wouldn't suck so much! [07:56:37] * dmehus or maybe they'd make Discord like Teams...hard to say! [07:57:02] [discord] yeah, they already invest it in and they want to integrate it with Bing apparently [07:57:18] yep [07:57:23] [discord] That worked out great for Skype [07:57:27] I wonder if Google is pretty scared [07:57:56] They actually did pretty well on Skype, I think. Most of their acquisitions have been hits. [07:58:02] Their best buy was LinkedIn [07:58:41] Their worst buy was aQuantive [07:58:58] [discord] Skype is kind of a Rorschach test, depending on the measure you apply, the conclusion can range wildly [07:58:59] [discord] oh they are, it's been reported [07:59:12] [discord] They were working on something I think but now apparently they're boosting their efforts [07:59:19] [discord] Agreed on LinkedIn. That was a really excellent fit for their model [08:01:52] [discord] Having been on the receiving end of forcible dog fooding of Skype as an enterprise messaging solution, cannot say that I'm a fan [08:08:19] Wow, it's so late. I have to get to bed. I'll try and be around tomorrow evening :) [08:08:32] night, NotAracham, Reception123, RhinosF1, et al. [08:08:37] Night [08:08:39] night! [08:08:39] .time dmehus [08:08:40] RhinosF1: Could not find a timezone for this nick. dmehus can set a timezone with `.settz ` [08:08:43] Oh [08:08:54] .settz America/Vancouver [08:08:55] dmehus: I now have you in the America/Vancouver timezone. [08:08:57] try again [08:09:02] .time dmehus [08:09:02] [clock] 2023-01-30 - 00:09:02PST [08:09:08] Night [08:09:11] night :) [15:32:21] [discord] > [irc] No doubt Fandom has plans to deploy ChatGPT to build wikis [15:32:23] [discord] i sometimes ask chatgpt to write a wiki article for me [15:32:27] [discord] then i fix the mistakes in it [15:32:32] [discord] its quite useful and saves time [15:57:25] [discord] > heh, I remember when you (RhinosF1) made it write futuristic stories, they were scary [15:57:26] [discord] i made it write genshin impact ship fanfics [15:57:28] [discord] like ayaka x aether [15:57:36] [discord] but it has a poor understanding of the genshin game world [15:57:39] [discord] so it makes confusing things [16:18:59] [discord] I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as the Pfizer vaccine, is in fact, the "Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine", or as I've recently taken to calling it, the "Pfizer+BioNTech vaccine". Pfizer is not a vaccine unto itself, but rather the company that deals with the manufacture, testing, and logistics of the vaccine. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of the Pfizer+BioNTech vacc [16:29:09] [discord] lol xD, nice spin on the whole linux copy-paste xD [16:30:19] [discord] yes lmao xd [20:26:52] [discord] is it just me or is the spacing here really crappy [20:26:54] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1069715344618442873/image.png [20:27:05] [discord] does not feel aligned properly [20:28:34] [discord] The boxes themselves appear to be aligned right, it's just the text inside that first box that's off. Maybe some unexpected padding on the text area? [20:28:44] [discord] yea probably [20:29:23] [discord] gonna check if thats it [20:34:14] [discord] My geuss would be the actions button pushing the text actually (so it is centered between the rightside of the actions button and the end of the purple bar [20:40:52] [discord] yeah [20:40:55] [discord] i checked and thats it [20:41:01] [discord] not sure how to fix it yet [20:41:05] [discord] but i have an idea [20:47:18] [discord] just doing this for now [20:47:18] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1069720483139964948/image.png [20:47:29] [discord] should work for now [23:43:34] [discord] You could put an empty div on the other side thats the exact same width as the orange box [23:43:56] [discord] yeah but the orange box isnt explicitly set in terms of width [23:44:05] [discord] anyway i like the new change more [23:44:15] [discord] Oh ok thats good [23:44:18] [discord] yea [23:59:55] [discord] chatgpt is bad at writing genshin impact articles [23:59:59] [discord] because