[02:54:58] [discord] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1072370273485070387/1073071910197407795 [02:54:58] [url] Discord | discord.com [02:55:01] [discord] This scared me heh [03:45:11] [discord] lmao [03:45:13] [discord] i just noticed that [10:04:13] [discord] rip, possible longest google clicks streak on my wiki [10:04:14] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1073182528602644480/IMG_20230209_125934.jpg [10:04:53] [discord] idk what spiked clicks over views, maybe it was me checking search results, but I haven't done that in a long time [10:06:12] [discord] on second thought, there is now way I alone could generate even 10 clicks while checking search results [10:06:31] [discord] mystery [20:09:10] [discord] LMAO [20:09:11] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1073334765840769154/image.png [20:27:27] [discord] > i wonder what the most known, popular thing in the world is that wikipedia wont allow an article on for whatever reason [20:27:28] [discord] @florigon oh on the topic of this, they FINALLY have an article on this shit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troubled_teen_industry [20:27:28] [wikipedia] Troubled teen industry | "The troubled-teen industry is a multi-billion dollar industry, and claims to help or "fix" troubled teenagers through various practices. They consist of privately run, largely unregulated residential facilities. They accept young people who are considered to have struggles with learning disabilties, emotional regulation, behavior, mental illness, and substance abuse. Young people may be […]" [20:27:33] [discord] took long enough [20:30:53] [discord] Oh that reminds me about a graphic novel about the Elan school that I've been meaning to read [20:31:38] [discord] Really crazy stuff [20:31:38] [discord] "It involves highly confrontational interaction between the patient and a therapist, or between the patient and fellow patients during group therapy, in which the patient may be verbally abused, denounced, or humiliated by the therapist or other members of the group." [20:31:54] [discord] damn i see [20:32:54] [discord] https://m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/elan-school/list?title_no=241135&page=1 [20:33:20] [discord] People say its a good comic and very realistic to what happened at that school [20:36:02] [discord] ah [21:51:19] [discord] @Original Authority telepedia appears behind in the gaming news lately [21:51:20] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/615786602454581249/1073360476207071422/image.png [21:51:26] [discord] cant believe i didnt hear about this from telepedia first [21:51:30] [discord] \/j [21:51:34] [discord] didnt hear about it from fandom either :( [22:14:05] [discord] I’ve never heard of Genshin Impact. [22:14:27] [discord] lame [22:15:08] [discord] Guess I’m not cool 😦 [22:49:24] [discord] More like you must have lived on a rock [23:01:48] [discord] yeah lmao [23:02:00] [discord] genshin's discord is the largest one on discord iirc [23:02:14] [discord] i can see people not playing it but i cant believe you've never even heard the game's name before