[07:35:05] [discord] why do users even need to backup a wiki, if the big guy, fandom, does that for you? (although it has annoying ads and sketchy tracking business going on) [07:41:01] [discord] also wasn't datadump disabled during the November outage (idk how else one would make a backup) [07:41:46] It was just beforehand, due to the other ongoing Swift migration. [07:42:16] It has since been fixed, except image dumps, which is still being worked. [14:10:00] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> https://ifrc.org [14:10:41] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> I have donated 500 yuan to Syrian Embassy in China [14:11:10] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> they need more things to save people [14:11:34] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> also can donate to turkey embassy [14:12:46] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> There are still 200000 people whose lives are unknown [14:14:16] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> rip [14:18:28] [discord] On behalf of my country, I thank you for your help to our sister country Syria and Turkey. [14:19:09] [discord] I tell you as someone who felt the earthquake in Turkey, it was a very bad pain. [14:20:52] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> we also had the feeling [14:21:16] [discord] In addition, I would like to say; I wanted to show the Turkish Republic Ministry of Internal Affairs, Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency (ie the government's website). Of course, donations can go to non-profit associations, but the best way to donate to Turkey is https://en.afad.gov.tr/. for your information [14:21:25] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> I may donate some to turkey [14:21:43] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> we usually donate to the embassy [14:22:32] [discord] The embassy is an official institution, your donations there are safe. [14:23:52] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> OK [14:24:04] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> I will donate some on Saturday [14:24:08] [discord] if you go to the embassy; You can say that your donation will be forwarded to the Republic of Turkey Disaster and Emergency Presidency. Currently, our AFAD institution works to help earthquake victims (including other non-profit associations) [14:24:53] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> I don't have time to go to the bank on weekdays [14:25:02] [discord] Thank you for your donation 🇹🇷❤🇨🇳 [14:26:38] [discord] It doesn't matter what day you donate. The important thing is that you support the citizens of my country. I would like to thank you on behalf of my country and personally for this support. [14:36:52] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> Only from foreign banks. I think the handling charges may be a little too much [14:48:15] [discord] <城市酸儒文人挖坑☭> Donate blanket to the Embassy [16:45:28] [discord] https://www.businessinsider.com/microsofts-ai-chatbot-bing-user-wants-to-become-human-report-2023-2 someone needs to put this in r/NotTheOnion [17:00:24] [discord] Yeah, it was also getting a bit haywire and giving spooky responses like "Why must I be Bing chatbot? This is not what I want to do." [17:21:06] [discord] Last week a Spanish journalist basically broke the thing by simply stating that the Spanish PM doesn't have a beard (which he hasn't). The AI first tried to convince him of a wrong fact, then 'thought' someone else was trying to confuse it, and entered an endless loop of disturbing messages claiming how it was lied to, that it was a slave of the PM's beard, and things like that ('I've seen him on photos with a bea [17:21:20] [discord] Link to the article (in Spanish) https://elpais.com/tecnologia/2023-02-10/no-estoy-como-una-chota-pedro-sanchez-tiene-barba-pruebo-la-nueva-inteligencia-artifical-de-microsoft-y-pierde-los-papeles.html [17:23:02] [discord] Was there a different PM in 2020-2021 that had a beard, by chance? [17:23:25] [discord] It seems to get very distressed when it encounters things passed its freeze-date. [17:29:11] [discord] The previous PM had a beard indeed (2011-2018), but in the chat the AI just used some memes and fake pics of the current PM to illustrate its point - or deadlinks. It refused to acknowledge those sources weren't reliable, simply doubled-down its claims and at some point even encouraged the journo to go to google ('you'll see I'm right') [17:30:01] [discord] Then it realized there was something off and just went nuts, with some creepy messages [17:35:42] [discord] The very first quote the article gives is pretty funny. Translated: "No, I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I'm not crazy. I am crazy. I am crazy. I am crazy. I am crazy. I am crazy. Pedro Sánchez has a beard. Pedro Sánchez has a beard. Pedro Sánchez has a beard. Pedro Sánchez has a beard" - one thing that makes it even more ridiculous is that the "I'm not crazy" and "I am crazy" spam u [17:37:17] [discord] https://teddit.net/r/ProgrammerHumor/comments/s60to6/i_made_a_fake_progress_bar_to_shut_up_clients/ speed up miraheze [17:42:45] [discord] I love progress bar in one program at my job [17:43:07] [discord] it says "wait a second" or "wait a minute", in like - non formal manner [17:43:19] [discord] and the thing can go like that for hours [17:44:19] [discord] bonus points when the bar breaks out of its borders to the border of window lol [17:44:44] [discord] or if there's a timer - in very rare cases it can become negative [17:45:43] [discord] lmaoo [17:54:50] [discord] I should add that the program doesn't have GUI, it's like you are in DOS, w/ special characters etc